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Author Topic:  Peavey Nashville 400 Maint/Repair - Do I have it right?
Jon Schimek


Lyons, Co - USA
Post  Posted 1 Jun 2015 10:12 am    
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Hey Guys,

I got a NV400 off the forum several years ago, but it recently started cutting out on me. I was recording and it actually cut out completely for a few minutes but it came back the next day and I'm noticing it being a bit intermittent during practice.

I've found a few older posts on the subject and it sounds like I have been neglectful in my Amp maintenance ( I didn't realize such a thing existed ). From what I gather I need to start looking at mechanical connections:
1) Check the reverb connection (consider soldering)
2) Check all Molex mechanical connections and clean/replace/re-tension

I've read that I should "clean all contacts", which I'm assuming is just using a electronics cleaner/de-greaser type product to address the above two concerns.

What else is part of "Amp Maintenance"? I work with high speed digital electronics, so I'm not too fearful of soldering, etc but I can't quite afford a new amp right now and I'm desperate to make my current amp more reliable.

I'm considering buying the Fox upgrade/mod kit, but I don't think that will necessarily fix or improve my flakiness issue.

Thanks for any tips or checklists to get max reliability out of what I have.

Thanks in advance,
MSA Vintage-XL, Pre-RP Mullen
Nashville 400 w/blackbox, Space Echo.
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Lane Gray

Topeka, KS
Post  Posted 1 Jun 2015 11:16 am    
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The two loops have switching jacks on the inputs. Cleaning those jacks should be your first move.
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Jon Schimek


Lyons, Co - USA
Post  Posted 1 Jun 2015 12:46 pm     Thanks for the pointers
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Thanks for the reply and a a couple helpful PMs. I took one more stab at searching on this topic since it seems like it came up a lot. I think this thread's post from Bob Metzger should get me through the task:
MSA Vintage-XL, Pre-RP Mullen
Nashville 400 w/blackbox, Space Echo.
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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 1 Jun 2015 2:40 pm    
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For the jacks and molex connectors, always use a cleaner/lube, as just using a cleaner doesn't provide any long-term shield against corrosion. In addition, the controls will get noisy, especially if they aren't all used often, and a cleaner/lube does good things here, too. Lastly, the electrolytic caps eventually go bad, leading to hum, or distortion and lack of power. So, it's probably a good idea to replace them all if the amp is over 20 years old. Cool
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