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David Spires

Millersport, OH
Post  Posted 30 May 2015 10:49 am    
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I thought I would share my thoughts on the M9...

I "needed" a good Reverb pedal for one of my pedalboards, and while I was at it, thought I wanted more Delay options than the Boss unit I had sitting here. That led me to the M9, no amp modeling at all --- these are models of guitar pedals, and I'm really liking it's sounds and capability.

Essentially, you can have 3 effects at once. 6 are staring at you in the Scene you are in. In my case, EQ->Delay->Reverb.

You have 24 Scenes you can save, so switch Scenes, and you switch which "pedal board" you have built for that Scene.

$400 street price, and might be overkill if you always use the same Delay and Reverb, but I wanted options (long "Russ Pahl" delays, shorter ones, etc), and it lets me swap out one of those 3 for a Chorus, Wah, etc - when I just want to be weird.

It takes a little learning curve, to know how to get around, but one of the cool things ---- turn a knob, and it keeps it. No saving your changes. Simple for all that it does.


David Spires
2021 MSA Legend XL 10&7; Asher Electro-Hawaiian Junior Lap Steel; '79 OMI Dobro 66 w/ Scheerhorn cone and setup; '64 Hand-wired Re-issue Fender Princeton Reverb
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Alex Cattaneo

Quebec, Canada
Post  Posted 31 May 2015 5:34 am    
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The M9 is a poor man's Benado Steel Dream. I found one for 200$ used, and just the reverbs were worth the price of admission.

On top of what you mentioned, you can use expression pedals to mix your delays and reverb, which is much smoother than having it on or off. Also, there is a tap tempo switch, which is very useful for delays, tremolos, and what not.

I use something called "dynamic delay" which is also known as a ducking delay, meaning, the delay is only active when you stop playing, so it doesn't smear all over the place. Extremely useful on steel.

I bought mine for delays and reverbs (and there are many many reverbs on that, from the traditional "spring" to weird ambient stuff like particle reverb, the huge cave reverb, etc etc. Having six effects means you can have 2 reverbs, 2 delays, and then whatever you fancy in the first slot, maybe a phaser and a dirt pedal for example.

Also, although there are menus and stuff, it's fairly user friendly, and the knobs function pretty much like a regular pedal, as David mentioned.

As I said, I got mine for cheap and sold over a 1000$ of pedals the next week. Everything you'll ever need is in there. Plus, there is a very good looper in there, which I use a lot with my lap steel to create pads and drones. Basically the same size and layout than a Benado, but with a lot more variety, a tap tempo, 2 expresion pedals inputs, a looper and a tuner.
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Robbie Daniels


Casper, Wyoming, USA
Post  Posted 1 Jun 2015 10:21 am    
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I also use a line 6 Modeler and love it. It gives a choice on effects such as echo. You can dial it to digital or analog. I love it. It has many other settings but I basically use it for reverb and echo.
Carter D12, MSA S12, 12 String Custom Made Non-Pedal, Evans FET 500LV, Evans SE200, Peavey Nashville 400, Fender Steel King
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David Spires

Millersport, OH
Post  Posted 1 Jun 2015 10:54 am    
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I agree Robbie; the strength of the unit is providing several types of these effects. I'm also pleasantly surprised by the quality of the effects themselves, and I've only run this rig in mono to this point. I'm really happy with it.

2021 MSA Legend XL 10&7; Asher Electro-Hawaiian Junior Lap Steel; '79 OMI Dobro 66 w/ Scheerhorn cone and setup; '64 Hand-wired Re-issue Fender Princeton Reverb
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Robbie Daniels


Casper, Wyoming, USA
Post  Posted 1 Jun 2015 5:39 pm    
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I run two amps out of it and it works awesome. Great unit.
Carter D12, MSA S12, 12 String Custom Made Non-Pedal, Evans FET 500LV, Evans SE200, Peavey Nashville 400, Fender Steel King
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Clete Ritta

San Antonio, Texas
Post  Posted 2 Jun 2015 4:59 am    
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I got the larger M13 version when it first came out a few years back, but ultimately returned it and opted for separate pedals in the end. The distortion modeling was just a bit too digital processed sounding for me, but for a one-box-does-it-all product it sure had a lot to offer. The other effects (reverb, delay, chorus etc.) were all really good!
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