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Author Topic:  Pacemaker" w/ streaming audio (i.e. Steelradio)
Travis Bernhardt


Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Post  Posted 30 Jun 2004 12:47 am    
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I just discovered that the free slow-down/pitch adjusting program "Pacemaker" (for Winamp) works with the streaming audio from Steelradio.com. If a song comes on that you want to hear slowed down or in a different key (for whatever reason--playing along, figuring out the licks, etc.) you can do it just by moving a slider.

Not an earth shaking revelation, but I just thought I'd point it out. I slowed down a Speedy West song just a minute ago to see if I could hear some of his crazy licks any better, and it works great.

The "Loopmaster" plug-in doesn't seem to work, unfortunately.

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Travis Bernhardt


Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Post  Posted 30 Jun 2004 12:57 am    
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It also appears you can use Pacemaker for fast-forwarding by moving the slider in the "speed-up" direction. I'm not sure what happens if the buffer runs out. I didn't check to see whether or not you have to wait for the server to "catch up" (thus negating the effects of the fast forwarding), or if you can really use it to fast-forward any song or ad you don't want to hear.

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