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Post new topic Gene Parsons Double StringBender American Standard Tele.
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Author Topic:  Gene Parsons Double StringBender American Standard Tele.
Charles Dempsey

Shongaloo, LA
Post  Posted 3 May 2015 4:59 pm    
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Here's a 2006 Fender American Standard Telecaster with Gene Parsons double (B & G) Stringbender installed. The Stringbender has the long-stroke option.

I ordered the Tele new from Zzounds in early 2006 and shipped it straight off to Gene for the Stringbender install.

Shortly after I got it back the band went into a downward spiral, and I never did use the guitar on stage. It's been in the safe for the last 7 years.

The guitar is in perfect condition except for one ding on the heel.

The Tele cost me about $1000.00, and it was about $2300.00 to get the double-bender long-stroke installed. I'd like to get $2000.00 for it.

I put it on ebay last year and got about zilch bids. I don't think anybody knew what it was. You can see all the photos and that auction text on my club's website here.


Location is Shreveport, LA. Contact me with any questions.

Yes officer, I know I smell like beer. I'm not drinking it, I'm wearing it!
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