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Gary Boyett


Colorado/ Lives in Arizona
Post  Posted 19 Mar 2001 5:05 am    
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I am thinking of trying E 6th to get a better feel on a few tunes. I have checked into Brads page. He has two different tunings:

MDFried's E6 tuning:
E B C# E G# B C# E
Bob Lee's E6 tuning:
B D E G# B C# E G#

Which ones have you used and what would the string gauges be? If you can pitch in on the difference between the two that would be great also. Also what will I gain or loose from C6th tuning. Thanks for the help.
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Bobby Lee

Cloverdale, California, USA
Post  Posted 19 Mar 2001 9:11 am    
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The string gauges I use are posted on my tunings page.

The high G# is necessary if you want to play the Don Helms / Hank Williams style. Don rarely uses the bottom two strings, by the way.

[This message was edited by Bobby Lee on 19 March 2001 at 09:12 AM.]

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Post  Posted 21 Mar 2001 10:40 pm    
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the E6th with the high G# is the one i use on my Fender triple neck, it is much higher sounding than the C6th , and as you have been told, perfect tuning for that authentic Hank Williams / Don Helms sound. I never used the other E6th you mentioned so I cant comment on it.
thanks, Richard http://www.mp3.com/kingrichard
Gary Boyett


Colorado/ Lives in Arizona
Post  Posted 22 Mar 2001 4:55 am    
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Kingrichard, I read your other post about the tuning and I am going to try that also on the thickest neck. I tell you, these fenders are animals!
The sound is just so incredible. I wish I would have got one years ago. I am going to string it up this weekend if I can find the strings localy. What gauge strings did you use?
To Bob Lee, I have A6th now from your site. My 1st neck is C6th, second is your A6th and I wanted E6th for a different open string sound on songs played in G. I am still so new at this that I will probably change again until I learn to play this better. I am concentrating on C6th/ E6th right now so not to explode my brain. The E13th is mostly for the "other" people who play my fender
Thanks again

[This message was edited by Gary Boyett on 25 March 2001 at 04:47 AM.]

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Bobby Lee

Cloverdale, California, USA
Post  Posted 22 Mar 2001 11:22 am    
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The most common E13th is B,D,E,G#,B,C#,E,G#. If you lower the 7th string to C#, you have E6th. I often do that between songs, if the next song is in a minor key.

Since the difference is only one half-step on one string, I tend to think of them as the same tuning. Likewise with C6th vs C13th, C6th vs A7#9 or A6th vs B11th. Tweaking one low string for a tune is no big deal.

Bobby Lee - email: quasar@b0b.com - gigs - CDs
Sierra Session 12 (E9), Williams 400X (E9, D6), Sierra Olympic 12 (F Diatonic)
Sierra Laptop 8 (D13), Fender Stringmaster (E13, A6)
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Al Marcus

Cedar Springs,MI USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 24 Mar 2001 8:58 pm    
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Gary-Bobby is giving you the straight stuff...al
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Gary Boyett


Colorado/ Lives in Arizona
Post  Posted 25 Mar 2001 4:42 am    
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Thanks bOb and everyone else for the info. I will try it as soon as the strings arrive. I got the E13th set and will tune it down like you said. Did I get the right ones? There are no E6th sets available.

I was reading yesterday that people used to put a bass set on the fourth neck of fender quads. Has anyone ever seen this. I don't think my tuners on my 3-8 could handle it. I did see though that the holes for the strings are larger. Bass steel guitar, hmmm, that could be fun....
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