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Author Topic:  Need help with tuning
Bill Holly


Pineville, Louisiana, USA
Post  Posted 10 May 2004 7:28 pm    
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My wife, the steel player, but not much of a computer user, is frustrated trying to get her steel tuned. She has a Zum SD10 w/Zum strings, 3&5, E9th tuning, Peterson Strobe VSII Tuner. She gets the strings tuned and then starts tuning the floor pedals, A (5&10), B (3&6) and C and gets them tuned. Then when she goes back and checks, the original string tuning is out of whack. The knee levers are pretty much in tune already but the pedals are really giving her problems. This has not been a problem before. Can anyone offer any help/suggestions? Thanks!

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Jerry Roller

Van Buren, Arkansas USA
Post  Posted 10 May 2004 8:05 pm    
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Bill, if the guitar has been working properly and now is not and if the strings are the proper gauge, chances are that the nylon hex tuning nuts have been "overtuned", and should be backed off and retuned just enough to bring the notes up to pitch. Once they are overtightened it cause you to have to back off the tuning keys and as a result you are limiting the travel of the changer.
Hope this helps. You should have a very small amount of free travel of the tuning nut before the raise starts. If it is overtightened you will have no free travel.

[This message was edited by Jerry Roller on 10 May 2004 at 09:07 PM.]

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Polly Holly


Pineville, Louisiana, USA
Post  Posted 11 May 2004 7:54 am    
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Hey Jerry, you are a genius...the information you gave me worked! I was really getting frustrated and my sweet husband was hurting for me so he got on the forum and asked!! I never thought about over tuning since I am using the Peterson VS-II tuner. So thanks for replying. You have made my day!

2003 Zum SD10 3&5, Nashville 1000, 1966 Kay Double Bass
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