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Author Topic:  Alumitone- "blend" pot instead of switch for split coil?
Jerry Gleason

Eugene, Oregon, USA
Post  Posted 29 Jan 2015 12:44 am    
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I'm curious about whether it's possible to wire a "blend" pot instead of a switch for a splittable Alumitone pickup, to go from "single coil" to full humbucking. Something similar to the way a Fender Stringmaster blends the top pickup with the bridge pickup. The normal coil tap switch appears to be a SPDT on/on switch that switches either the white wire or the black/white striped wire to ground.

I haven't been able to find any specific information about it online. Has anyone done this? How would you wire up something like that, and what kind/value pot would be used?
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Stephen Cowell

Round Rock, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 29 Jan 2015 6:26 am    
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Basically the pot replaces the switch... the wiper goes to the bat, which is ground. You're grounding either side of one coil... the pot's max ohms is always across the coil, so there's a tiny amount of loss even when in full humbucking mode.

Fender used 250K audio pots for this I think... that should be plenty, in fact maybe too much, depending on the output impedance of the pickup.
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Jerry Gleason

Eugene, Oregon, USA
Post  Posted 29 Jan 2015 1:18 pm    
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Thanks. I don't really know if there's any difference between the Alumitone and a more conventional humbucker in that regard, but it's easy enough to try it and see if it works. It's for a new Double 8 build I'm working on. If I don't like it, I'll just go back to the switch.
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