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Author Topic:  String 5 lower with pedal raise
Howard Parker

Post  Posted 16 Apr 2004 3:27 pm    
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I'll try to articulate the issue here (WARNING, newbie alert):

I have my B-Bb lower on my RKL and it's quite acurate except...when used in conjunction with either the A or C pedal raise, when the combined change is very sharp.

It doesn't matter how the change starts (pedal first/knee first), string 5 ends up way sharp.

I'm assuming this is not correct, so, anyone care to point me towards a little diagnostic routine?

Thanks in advance,

Howard P

Howard Parker
77' MSA Classic D-10
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Jon Light (deceased)

Saugerties, NY
Post  Posted 16 Apr 2004 3:35 pm    
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Howard--- if the result of any combined lower/raise is in tune it is merely fortunate coincidence. The only way you can get this note (called a split tuning) is with....a split tuning mechanism. I'll leave the explanation to someone else but there are two common ways to achieve an accurate split tuning----I don't know what options are available to your MSA.
Personally, lacking a split tuner on the 5th string, I opt to tune the B lower lever to play an in tune C in comination with the A pedal and let the Bb be out of tune. This suits me for the way I use the lever.
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David L. Donald

Koh Samui Island, Thailand
Post  Posted 16 Apr 2004 3:52 pm    
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Howard I am not sure what steel you have but yes I think it is functioning as it should but..

Here is how Ricky Davis got it working for me on an old Sho-Bud without a split mechanism.

The B to Bb lower has two functions either as
making AB down major into a minor
or as the b5 of an open major.

You can tune it into correct pitch for either but not both.

I believe most often it is tuned correct with AB down, since I minor there is more useful generally than the b5th except in jazz.

OK, the trick is to tune it to a good minor 3rd AB down,
but for the b5 you add another rod to the raise side of your changer from the same bellcrank.
With just a touch of this added to the lower it brings it back up to pitch.

A regular lower and a very slight compensating raise.

et voila both AB, and open are in tune.
Hope this helps.
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Howard Parker

Post  Posted 16 Apr 2004 4:02 pm    
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Thanks guys...

Your explanations are quite clear. I'll tune the knee to the A and C pedals!!


[This message was edited by Howard Parker on 16 April 2004 at 07:27 PM.]

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