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Author Topic:  A tuning question...maybe for Ricky Davis
Ricky Davis

Bertram, Texas USA
Post  Posted 10 Feb 2001 10:50 am    
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Hey Herb; I'm not sure exactly Lee's tuning your talking about. His E tuning is like Speedys and goes.

E 015 plain
C# 018 "
B 022 "
G# 026 wound
F# 030 "
D 036 "
G# 042 "
E 052 "
Those guages there would be on the heavy side for a short scale.
The C6th I use for a short scale is:
G 013 plain
E 015 "
C 018 "
A 022 "
G 026 wound
E 030 "
C 036 "
A 042 "

I hope that helps you some.

[This message was edited by Ricky Davis on 10 February 2001 at 10:51 AM.]

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