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Author Topic:  Lace Alumitione pick up
Nick Waugh

United Kingdom
Post  Posted 28 Sep 2014 12:44 pm    
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Hi All

I have already posted that I have lost warmth and tone from my sound. I have a Carter SD10 that I fitted with A Lace Alumition. This was after trying several other pick ups that didn't hit the spot. When I fitted the Alumitione, it was an immediate improvement. This was improved even more when I replaced the speaker in my Peavey 112 with a teleonics. Then again when I installed the chip replacement kit. I got the sound I had always wanted. Then about 3 weeks ago, the new found warmth and punch disappeared and I am now back to the sound I had pre-the changes. Having changed the strings, tried altering the height of the pick up, had the pick up checked and found to be in perfect working order by 2 guitar techs, had the amp fully checked, no faults have been found. There is a crack across the width of one of the magnets. Could this cause tone to be lost? It is mainly on the unwound strings, i.e the top strings. I am considering purchasing another Alumitone exactly the same as the one I have, and installing to see if I get my sound back. Can anyone confirm whether or not this crack in the magnet strip could cause a loss of tone ? Or any other suggestions. I feel like giving up playing as I can't stand the thin harsh sound that I now have.
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James Archer


El Mirage AZ
Post  Posted 22 Oct 2014 3:52 pm     Alumitone pickup
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I replaced a george L TW pickup with an Alumitone pickup from my older steel that I have had the Alumitone pickup on for several years and I cracked one of the long magnets and I was really upset about that but I went ahead and installed the pickup and I never noticed any difference in sound or temperament. As long as the magnet was not dislodged or missing you should be ok, mine was. I did take a little quick glue and glued on back side to keep mag from getting dislodged then lost. The magnetic flux lines are still present for creating your electrical fields to produce sound
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Daryl Thisdelle


New Brunswick, Canada
Post  Posted 23 May 2015 4:52 pm     Alumitone
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I have had an Alumitone pick up in my Williams for a year and it has worked like a charm. If you have lost tone something has gone wrong some where. Call Lace and tell them what has happened. You might not be the first to have this happen to. Plus it might be a simple fix to a problem that is driving you to untold grief.

Williams 700 Keyless SD 12 String Universal Lacguer Body Wood Neck Alumitone Pick Up GD Walker Stereo Steel Amp Preamp Combo With 2x15 inch JBL Speakers In Tuned Cabinets, Hilton Digital Sustain Pedal, Telonics Volume Pedal. Steel Seat With Back Rest And Swivel And Adjustable Legs. George L Cables. BJS Bar. Nookies Thumb Pick National Finger Picks. Jagwires Petterson Strobo Plus HD Tuner
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