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Author Topic:  '58 Supro Comet - Low output on strings 4,5,6
Danny Kane


Louisiana, USA
Post  Posted 18 Jun 2014 4:00 pm    
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I recently bought a Supro that is having what I suspect to be a problem with the low-end lollar pickup. Here are the symptoms;
- strings 1,2,3 sound ok
- strings 4,5,6 have a very low output.
- the tone cap and pot are working
- the volume pot seems to work fine up to a half-turn, then no volume increase for remaining pot turn.
Output at jack reading 6.5 ohms.
I am assuming that the second lollar has a problem.

Has anyone experienced a similar problem?
Does anyone have tips on troubleshooting the pickups?
thanks in advance for any and all advice on the subject.
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Joe Snow

Argyle,Texas, USA
Post  Posted 18 Jun 2014 5:23 pm    
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Adjust the height of the poles at each string with a small screwdriver. Supro pickups are very sensitive to different string gauges. I don't know about the volume pot, but the difference in volume and tone on different strings changes greatly with pole height adjustments. I don't have Lollar pickups on my double neck supro, but I suspect they are made in a similar way to the original ones.
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Danny Kane


Louisiana, USA
Post  Posted 18 Jun 2014 6:28 pm    
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Thanks Joe. I tried the pole adjustment the other day and noted no change. I will re-string and try again. The Comet has a pickup for the 3 high strings and another for the lower 3. The pickups are wired together.
After taking off the Comet's plastic pickup guard I noticed one of the coverplate screws had a ruined Philips head indicating someone had been monkeying with the pickups at some point.
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Bill Creller


Saginaw, Michigan, USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 18 Jun 2014 7:58 pm    
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You could always Email or call Jason Lollar & ask him for advice....
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Kelvin Monaghan


Victoria, Australia
Post  Posted 19 Jun 2014 1:15 am    
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Check the polarity of the two pickups they should both be same either both south up or both north up.
Some supros had only one magnet the other was a painted piece of wood that could also explain the volume difference .
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Noah Miller

Rocky Hill, CT
Post  Posted 19 Jun 2014 3:30 am    
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These pickups had one coil for the top 3 strings and a second coil for the bottom 3. It's conceivable that one of the two has a short. Hopefully it's just a magnet issue, which would be easier & cheaper to fix.
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Bill Hatcher


Atlanta Ga. USA
Post  Posted 19 Jun 2014 4:07 am    
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just tap on the top of each pole piece. use a small screwdriver. let the magnet pull the tip of the driver so you will have even tap pressure. you will be able to hear the difference. if you do, then you need to address the magnet set up. maybe you can add a small magnet to the weaker string area to balance out the pickup better.
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Danny Kane


Louisiana, USA
Post  Posted 19 Jun 2014 11:39 am    
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Bill, Joe, Kelvin and Noah: thanks for your advice. I'm a resonator guitarist, new to steel so the help is appreciated. I also have a '40 National with a hot pickup setup and a '39 Rick B6 that is super-hot. The Supro has the original pickups and experimenting with the magnets has improved the sound somewhat. I'm not sure how to check for north/south up magnet orientation so if you have suggestions they are very welcome. Both coils seem to be working. The volume pot increases loudness up to half turn. I'll take it out of circuit and test it.
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