I don't like the word "copedant".. Just would like to tell you a few of my odd changes. First I use an E on my second string.I pull it down a full tone in two steps Eb-D on LKR.. Thats right 3 E's on the guitar. Also pull first string up a full tone on LKL. On pedal 4 I pull 3rd string down a full tone.. A LOT of guitars have a hard time with this one... You need the right changer... many won't get it down low enough. Pedal 5 pulls the 6th string down a full tone. This is fairly common on a knee,but I have never seen it on a pedal other than on my guitars. I use it a LOT. I also plan on getting a #6 pedal on my new Carter before much time passes,and that will be to the LEFT of the #1 pedal and will drop both G# a half.... I also drop both B's a half on a vertical..I know, I know,nothing really earth shaking here,but still a little odd compared to most E9 set ups...... bob[This message was edited by Bob Carlucci on 30 December 2003 at 05:26 PM.]