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Author Topic:  Adding a knee lever to work both E and F
Dick Chapple Sr


Hardin Montana, USA
Post  Posted 9 Jun 2014 9:40 am    
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Hi everyone.
Just wondering about this if it's been tried or may even be possible to do.
Has anyone tried adding a single knee lever shaped like a two tine fork or horseshoe that would fit over your leg which would allow E lowers and E raisers off of the same lever? It seems like it would allow smooth sounds going from Eb to F or visa versa. For me I would put it at RKL position.
I am buying a Fessenden 8 string 3 pedal and if I keep E9th tuning, I really would like to incorporate E and F levers somehow. I really enjoy C6th however, so perhaps I would try to use some particular tuning with the 3 pedals to keep me in C6th but perhaps give me some changes for a little more of the Nashville E9th sounds.
I have a lot of Erv's E9th tabs and I like them. They are a real bargain. And what I have most can be played with A,B,E,&F pedals and levers so it would be perfect if I could figure out how to have the E's and F's on it.
I do have a Fessy SD-10 so I'm covered, but the little 8x3 Fessy will come in real handy for me also.
Thanks for any thoughts or help anyone may have.
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Lane Gray

Topeka, KS
Post  Posted 9 Jun 2014 10:12 am    
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Dick, I do something like this on my Uni, and I got the idea from John Alexander.
If you have a modern guitar, you can time the pulls so that both strings leave D# together, hit E together, and arrive at E# together, all at the same time.
If it doesn't have four-hole bellcranks, you can do it too, but you have to do clever things with simple parts.
2 pedal steels, a lapStrat, and an 8-string Dobro (and 3 ukes)
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Last edited by Lane Gray on 9 Jun 2014 10:48 am; edited 1 time in total
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Cloverdale, CA, USA
Post  Posted 9 Jun 2014 10:41 am    
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On my 8-string D6th, I have the high D raise on LKL and the high D lower on RKL. When I engage one while releasing the other, I get that smooth full-step change that you're describing.

Tuning to D6th gives me a timbre that's country enough to sound a lot like E9th, and jazzy enough to sound a lot like C6th. It all depends on which pedals I'm using.

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John Billings

Ohio, USA
Post  Posted 9 Jun 2014 12:16 pm    
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"It seems like it would allow smooth sounds going from Eb to F or visa versa. "

And that's why I have my raise and lower on opposite legs. I can also make that change incredibly quickly.
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Dick Chapple Sr


Hardin Montana, USA
Post  Posted 9 Jun 2014 12:19 pm     E & F knee lever
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Thanks Lane and Bob for chiming in so quickly.
I am an old geezer now and over the years I've gained a lot of knowledge in my noggin but it's all filed under misc. so recall is terrible. I remember enough on a daily basis just to be dangerous LOL. So I hope you will tolerate my lack. I do try to research in depth on the forum trying to get answers for questions already asked. This site has been just fantastic and is responsible for my playing today. I really do appreciate your responses.

Lane....are you tuning the strings to D# and double raising both strings with one lever from D# to E to F? Is this a way then to do the work with one knee lever? I guess I am hoping I could add somehow one knee lever anyway to the Fessy 8string 3 pedal and get the one lever to raise and lower the E strings to get my Eb's and F's.
Bob I will continue to study your copedent, this gives me a start.
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Lane Gray

Topeka, KS
Post  Posted 9 Jun 2014 12:20 pm    
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Right. We use a proper mechanical half-stop. You have to get used to holding the knee against a half-stop for the E notes, but it's not hard to train yourself.
2 pedal steels, a lapStrat, and an 8-string Dobro (and 3 ukes)
More amps than guitars, and not many effects
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Dick Chapple Sr


Hardin Montana, USA
Post  Posted 9 Jun 2014 2:50 pm     E and F lever
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Thanks Lane:

I had an old custom built S-10 that had several half stops on knees as well as pedals. It was easy to feel the half stops.
Well good, that's a real possibility then.

Hi John. Yes my Fessy SD-10 is set up that way and it works very well.
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