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Author Topic:  Webb 6-14E Reverb Not Working
Jim Cooley

The 'Ville, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 23 Apr 2014 12:33 pm    
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I just received a Webb 6-14E. The amp is very quiet. Everything works except the reverb. The reverb light comes on, but reverb does not work with or without the remote switch. The seller is reasonably sure it worked when he shipped it. When checking the connections, I lightly flexed the wire near the male jack that plugs into the pan. I heard a popping sound, then silence. I did the same thing at the other end of the reverb pan. Silence. I pulled the chassis and checked the solder connections. They look and feel solid. I jacked the male plug in and out of the reverb pan jack several time with no results. Plugging from the steel straight into the amp didn't work. The results are the same when plugged into the high and low input jacks.

The tank is in a bag, but I don't think there is anything between the tank and the bottom of the cabinet. I ran out of time and did not pull the tank.

I noticed the the volume is lower with the EQ in that out. Is that normal?
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Duane Dunard

Troy, MO. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 23 Apr 2014 2:06 pm    
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Jim, Check the tank's inside springs to see that spring ends are properly attached. They often fall off during shipping. I have a new tank in stock with the following part numbers stamped on it. If needed, call me anytime at the shop. 636)528-4307
# 8BB2A18
# 2030795
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Jim Cooley

The 'Ville, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 23 Apr 2014 6:03 pm    
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I think I have a Bingo. I pulled the tank. One black wire is loose from both the input and output terminals. I recently moved. Now, if I can find my soldering iron...
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Jim Cooley

The 'Ville, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 25 Apr 2014 5:30 am    
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I re-soldered the wires and the reverb works. It's a long decay tank, though, and I'm not crazy about it. So now I'm looking for a 2 or 3 spring medium decay reverb replacement. I checked the codes on the tank and discovered that it is a generic replacement for the original tank. It looks like I need either a 9FB2A1B (3 spring) or 4FB2A1B (original 2 spring) tank.
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