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Author Topic:  Super Pro mechanism w/ 2 hole pullers??
Bob Carlucci


Candor, New York, USA
Post  Posted 19 Mar 2014 8:36 am    
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I was thinking back about the 6 or so Buds I have owned, and their various mechanisms.. One got me thinking and I will defer to the Bud experts..
I had a Pro III.. It had aluminum necks, small pedals, and a double raise and lower changer.. However, it did NOT have the SP pot metal parts..
It had all 2 hole pullers, on round shafts.. Was this an oddball, or was Bud just using up its inventory of pull parts, on what was essentially a "late model" Bud?... bob
I'm over the hill and hittin'rocks on the way down!

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Brint Hannay


Maryland, USA
Post  Posted 19 Mar 2014 10:10 am    
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I have one like that. On mine the changer pulling fingers have slots rather than pins for the string ball ends, which I believe means they are pot metal. Definitely a transitional period. Mine is dated 4/11/77, per Gene Haugh.
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Bob Carlucci


Candor, New York, USA
Post  Posted 19 Mar 2014 1:49 pm    
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Brint Hannay wrote:
I have one like that. On mine the changer pulling fingers have slots rather than pins for the string ball ends, which I believe means they are pot metal. Definitely a transitional period. Mine is dated 4/11/77, per Gene Haugh.

Yes,,, mine was probably the same... I guess the fact that the pull parts were not pot metal does not indicate the changer fingers weren't.
Its been many years, but I do not recall the changer having pins, so it was probably a SP changer with earlier[BETTER!] pull parts...They should have kept that design for good, it was a nice set up.. Same changer to, just lose the damn pot metal, and they would have had a great setup... Instead the bean counters won, and it was pot metal.. Great design until it started breaking, and the round holes were egg shaped in a few years... bob
I'm over the hill and hittin'rocks on the way down!

no gear list for me.. you don't have the time......
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