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Author Topic:  Pickup Buzz
Lee Baucum

McAllen, Texas (Extreme South) The Final Frontier
Post  Posted 21 Mar 1999 7:27 pm    
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In layman's terms, please explain to me why this happened. Today, I removed the stock pickup from my Mullen S-12 and installed a new Lawrence 612. Before restringing the guitar, I plugged it in to an amp, to make sure the pickup was working. Lots of buzz. I turned off the computer monitor, which was in the same room, and the buzz went away. BUT, I noticed that whenever I touched the metal neck of the guitar, the buzz returned. I could touch any of the other metal parts on the guitar and no buzz. It only happened when I touched the neck, which is isolated from the changer and the keyhead/roller nuts. I checked to make sure everything was soldered properly and didn't find any problems there. I did notice that if I touched the "hot" lead, there was lots of noise. I decided to go ahead and restring the guitar, to see if that made any difference. And it did. All the buzz and noise went away. I can touch any of the metal parts of the guitar, including the neck, and no buzz. I turned on the computer monitor and still no buzz. What did the strings do, to remove all of the buzz?

By the way. The 612 sounds great.

Lee, from South Texas
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Bill Crook


Goodlettsville, TN , Spending my kid's inheritance
Post  Posted 22 Mar 1999 3:57 am    
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When you restrung the ax, you grounded the rest of the instrument, (ie, tunning keys, fret board, and head) due to the fact the string are then a part of the circuit. this is a common way of doing this. Most folks don't even plug up the pick-up without strings, so the never see this (problem ?)
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Brinton Payne


Fort Worth, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 6 Nov 2003 1:43 pm    
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How do you reverse this problem? I didn't change any pickups - just simply changed my strings and all of a sudden I have p/u buzz when I touch the pickup but not while my left hand is touching the strings, etc. Is there a way to re-ground?
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