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Author Topic:  Four D-10 Steel Guitars
Rick Collins


Claremont , CA USA
Post  Posted 1 Nov 2003 5:33 pm    
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Some guitars may be equally as good or better; but when buying new, in what order would you rate these four D-10 pedal steel guitars, OK, Good, Better, and Best:


Many thanks, Rick
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C Dixon


Duluth, GA USA
Post  Posted 2 Nov 2003 5:42 am    
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If I was buying a D-10 I would buy a LeGrande III with the counterforce on both necks without hesitation.

Is it the best? I have not a clue. I have never played any of the others. All I know is I love my Lashley LeGrande. There are a number of reasons why I love it, (MOSTLY mechanical) but the MAIN reason is, it is the only PSG that (IMO) 99% solves a major problem it has had since day one.

That is, "timing" multiple pulls on the same pedal or knee lever. This is accomplished by using a 14 hole bellcrank which pretty much allows for an infinite adjustment on travel when considering multiple pulls (timing). That means all pulls begin and end at the same time on both pedals and knee levers.

While many would not realize it, and it is very subtle, it makes the pedals feel better than any other thing I know of. Plus it permits the easist pedal (or knee lever) movement than an other thing I know of; except using a longer travel.

One day, a PSG will have an infinitely adjutable bellcrank that will solve the timing problem 100%. Incidently the "Linkon" bellcrank at first might appear to be this future bellcrank, but I would have to give it a thumbs down because of its excessive width front to back respect to the guitar.

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