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Author Topic:  Nameless Shuffle
Greg Cutshaw

Corry, PA, USA
Post  Posted 20 Feb 2014 2:27 pm    
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Nameless Shuffle with added verses. I used the 1st and 7th string E9 whole tone raise a bit on the 3rd time through. There is a really neat use of the 5th string half tone lower at 0:58 to 1:00 in the song. The first verse first part starts out on strings 5 and 8 and then on the second part at 0:21 I used the 4th and 6th strings with pedals 2 and 3 for a slightly different sound. There's a lot of tricky pedal work in this song. It's also one of those slow songs that requires some very fast bar movements to cover similar sounding parts that switch rapidly from the 10th to the 3rd fret.

I recorded this with a lot less reverb than I normally use on the steel. It's a bit dry sounding for my tastes. The ending uses twin steels, not my preference either, but would sound a lot better with fiddle, steel and guitar sharing the parts (was in a hurry).

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