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Author Topic:  New member...new PSG...WOW!
Roger Davis


Post  Posted 28 Aug 2003 7:35 am    
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Hey everyone...
First let me say how much helpful info I have accumulated by lurking on this site for the past month...
I wanted to learn PSG, but had no clue as to what to get, how to proceed, etc...
I found this site and by searchin' and readin' I decided on a Carter Starter...
Got it about 3 weeks ago and dove in head first!..Ouch!
Did some more searchin' and got me a Bullet bar...15/16 X 3 1/4, stainless...
Did a little more searchin' and bought Joe Wright's video's 1-6 for the summer sale price of $100...Now where do I buy talent?...ha ha...
This site is great! I haven't listened to many steelers, but it's pretty cool to see some of the big names on this very forum.

I have a home studio and wanted some steel to sweeten up my demos. I play guitar so I figured...how hard can it be to slide that bar around
and get those sounds?...uh oh...not quite as easy as I figgered...wait...you're supposed to push these levers and step on these pedals at the same time?...wow...what have I got myself into?...

Actually, I'm lovin' it!... Joe Wrights vids are excellent and should keep me busy for a while...I can already see much improvement after working with them for 1 hour a day.
I've finished my first song with PSG...I tried to play very conservative and I'm sure my licks sound simple and amateurish, but you gotta start some where!
I have a Boss GT-3 that I used on stage with my six string so I tried the PSG through that...You can hear "Kingdom of a Fool" at http://www.soundclick.com/bands/7/demohhmusic.htm
sort of a traditional country thing...anyway, thanks to b0b for the strings and password and to everyone for sharing their knowledge...hope I can do the same someday...

Roger D
Jim Eaton

Santa Susana, Ca
Post  Posted 28 Aug 2003 8:05 am    
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Very nice! I have a hard time believing you have only been playing 3 weeks! I've heard players with alot more time invested than that who don't sound that good!
Welcome and enjoy the ride.
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Don Walters


Saskatchewan Canada
Post  Posted 28 Aug 2003 8:45 am    
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I have a hard time believing you have only been playing 3 weeks!

Maybe it's the "R. Davis" that provides the talent?

Some "have it" and some of us don't

[This message was edited by Don Walters on 28 August 2003 at 09:47 AM.]

[This message was edited by Don Walters on 28 August 2003 at 09:47 AM.]

[This message was edited by Don Walters on 28 August 2003 at 09:48 AM.]

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Roger Davis


Post  Posted 29 Aug 2003 6:04 am    
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Hey thanks guys!
I am a guitar player so I think that gave me a head start as opposed to those who have never played before...
I also have a computer based home studio which gives me the luxury of being able to do multiple takes...
I played all the instruments (except mandolin, which is a sample) and did the singing, but I would have a hard time playing all the steel parts in one take with out screwing it up...
I think the Carter Starter is perfect for me...I got all my equipment and teaching materials for under $900...
I don't plan to play live or anything so this setup should work just fine for quite a while...till I'm ready for a S12 universial...(gulp)

Jeff Lampert


queens, new york city
Post  Posted 29 Aug 2003 9:18 am    
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For such a short time, it's terrific. I also enjoyed the tune. You should try to listen to the song "Queen Of The Silver Dollar". It has a similar message to your song. My favorite version is Emmylou Harris's. Thanks for posting.
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Colin Keyworth

Derbyshire, England
Post  Posted 29 Aug 2003 11:33 am    
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Roger,you've really given me a boost,i was asked the other day to do some session work but what i do is very limited so i need to work fast.By listening to your song you've showed me that some sweet sounds can be made in a short space of time.Keep up the good work & all the best-Col

Sho-Bud LDGsp,levinson Blade,Peavey session 400 Limited,Boss GT-3

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Roger Davis


Post  Posted 30 Aug 2003 9:50 am    
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Hi Jeff,
I followed your suggestion and listened to a snippet of "Queen of the Silver Dollar". Probably a very common theme in country music...
I also checked out some of your playing on a site...man, have I got a lot to learn...
Reminds me of something I've come across quite frequently in learning various instruments..."The more you know, the more you know you don't know"...
If I could one day have 1/2 of your knowledge, I'd be a happy man. Great stuff.

The fact that you've found something interesting in my playing really made my day...
getting session work is something I don't think I could ever do...good luck!!!

Wayne Morgan


Rutledge, TN, USA
Post  Posted 31 Aug 2003 9:50 pm    
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Hi Roger,
Very encouraging, I been playing two years,,and maybe in two more I will play as well as you do. Enjoyed the steelin' and also the song.

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Ann Fabian

Mesquite, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 1 Sep 2003 2:05 pm    
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Roger . . . we welcome you to the Carter family and to the Forum.

We invite you to list yourself on the OnLineSteelers.com Directory if you wish.

Ann Fabian
Carter Steel Guitars

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Roger Davis


Post  Posted 1 Sep 2003 2:22 pm    
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Thanks Wayne,
Hope to hear some of your stuff one day...

I tapped into the live feed from the convention last weekend...my first real dose of hard core steelin'...
sure I've heard bits and pieces on country radio from time to time...but as the lead, featured instrument...outstanding!
caught Mr.Green and Mr.Emmons...my poor brain hurt trying to understand what they were doing...
Thanks again to this site for opening up a whole new world for me...

Roger Davis


Post  Posted 2 Sep 2003 11:47 am    
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I can honestly say that without the "Carter Starter" I would not have taken the next step. The entry level price is a real deal maker for those of us who have no experience and don't know any players. I live in Seattle and could not find a PSG in a store...After I got my Carter, I could not find a tone bar...This and the Carter site has tons of useful info for us beginners
Keep up the good work!

Huey P. Moore


Woodworth, Louisiana, USA
Post  Posted 19 Sep 2003 2:45 am    
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Roger Im gonna burn my steel Ive been playing about 3 yrs. and cant play that good.

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Jim Marconi


Richmond IL. / Summerland Key Fl. USA
Post  Posted 21 Sep 2003 8:28 pm    
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Hi Roger....great job for only playing 3 weeks...if you only knew how blessed you are for having that tone in such a short time.I am am a long time guitar player also and it took me a long time to get a tone that would not chase my dog out of the house. and I have been playing for 5 years and now he will stay in the same room..welcome to the Steel World and let me tell you that you will not find a better bunch of guys and girls than here on this site...
Good Luck
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Roger Davis


Post  Posted 22 Sep 2003 8:59 am    
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Hey Huey and Jim,

Yes, this forum is fantastic and has supplied me with so much info via links and such...
I certainly think us geetar players have a tremendous head start...I can't imagine what it would be like to attack this thing cold...
I do a lot of my practicing with headphones, but when I turn on the speakers my dog comes in and looks at me like "What the hell are you doing?"...


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