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Author Topic:  1st string change on Emmons Le Grande
Bob Smith


Allentown, New Jersey, USA
Post  Posted 27 Jul 2003 4:11 pm    
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I just changed the setup on my sd10 Emmons. The RKL now lowers the Es. The LKR raises the 1st string. I cant seem to make the pull long enough to raise the 1st string a whole step.What am I not doing right?? Bob

[This message was edited by Bob Smith on 27 July 2003 at 05:13 PM.]

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Wayne Baker

Altus Oklahoma
Post  Posted 27 Jul 2003 4:44 pm    
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Bob, I had to take the rod out to the last hole on the bellcrank. I have the 14 hole bellcranks.

Wayne Baker

Emmons Legrande d-10 w/8&5 Nashville 400, peavey ultraverb II.

[This message was edited by Wayne Baker on 27 July 2003 at 05:46 PM.]

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Bob Smith


Allentown, New Jersey, USA
Post  Posted 28 Jul 2003 2:20 am    
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Ive tryed moving the rods in the bell cranks, just dont seem to be enough travel in the knee lever. The stop doesnt seem to be adjustable. Bob
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Don Sulesky

Citrus County, FL, Orig. from MA & NH
Post  Posted 28 Jul 2003 2:47 am    
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I've had the same problem.
Here is what I did. I removed the Knee lever assembly and redrilled a hole further from the center of the arm to get more travel.
You can also drill and tap another hole in the L bracket to give you more travel.
Both ways will get you what you need.
After all this though I ended up going back to just the F# to G change as I believe I have more options with the G other than the unison G#'s on 1 & 3.
Hope this helps some.
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C Dixon


Duluth, GA USA
Post  Posted 28 Jul 2003 5:00 am    
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Several of the posters are correct. On all right moving knee levers (on LeGrandes) the travel in both directions IS fixed. IF the holes in the bellcranks or changer will not give you enough travel, then the best way is to drill and tap another hole in the knee lever bracket; so you end up with more travel.

This was NOT a good design on LeGrandes. One or both of the stops (forward and return) should always be adjustable. They did this on all pedals and left moving knee levers. But, for some reason, they made the right moving knee lever stops fixed in both directions.

May Jesus bless you in your quests,


[This message was edited by C Dixon on 28 July 2003 at 06:03 AM.]

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Ricky Davis

Bertram, Texas USA
Post  Posted 28 Jul 2003 8:58 am    
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Bob another thing to try real quick and is an inharent prob. on pivioting changers.
Tighten the lower spring dang near all the way....so that the lowering part of that changer finger...is very secure and in that security will let the raise part of the finger react so much better...and the whole tone raise with happen easier.
Good luck.
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Bob Smith


Allentown, New Jersey, USA
Post  Posted 28 Jul 2003 5:31 pm    
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Thanks fellas, I drilled and tapped another hole for the lever stop ,and that gave the extra movement i needed. Man! its kinda crazy you have to use a drill, to make a common change on such an expensive instrument ?!! Bob
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Jerry Roller

Van Buren, Arkansas USA
Post  Posted 29 Jul 2003 6:54 pm    
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Bob, this change can be done easily by dropping the pull rod into a hole closer to the cross shaft in the first bellcrank after the knee lever. You would need to bend the pull rod upward to clear the cross shaft and go to an outside hole so the rod would not be to long. I'm sorry I didn't notice your problem sooner. You can accomplish anything on a LeGrande that you can on any other make.
I know this is too late to help you but maybe someone else can be helped.
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Tony Prior

Charlotte NC
Post  Posted 30 Jul 2003 1:24 am    
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Is this common on all Legrandes ? Even the ones made today ?

Can you not purchase the steel with the 1st string full tone raise, the 2nd string 1/2 tone raise and the 7th string raise on the RKL and then the double 2nd string lower and 9th string lower on the RKR ?

How difficult is it to add these changes if they are not present on the guitar ?

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Jerry Roller

Van Buren, Arkansas USA
Post  Posted 30 Jul 2003 5:29 am    
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Tony, you can order a LeGrande set up as you stated and this is no problem. What the problem in this thread is about is that if you have a guitar that was built with a certain setup, the leverages have been set up for this particular copedent. If you want to change the levers around it becomes necessary to change the leverages. This is true on any guitar. It is just a matter of moving pull rods to different holes.
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C Dixon


Duluth, GA USA
Post  Posted 30 Jul 2003 8:34 am    
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Very respectfully, it is not uncommon on PSG's; that certain changes require some modification to existing hardware. An example is a number of guitars do not have enough travel capability (regardless of what holes are used) to accomplish the 6 string whole tone lower.

I wanted a change on my Excel that required Mitsuo to have to extend the length of his standard bellcrank. He actually bolted another cut off piece of bellcrank to the existing one to get enough travel for a tone and half lower on my 4th string.

This scenario has faced all builders (I imagine) from time to time. I foresee a time in the future where ALL PSG's being built will be capable of a 2 whole tone change (raise OR lower) on any string.

Inovative and creative musical talents like that of a Paul Franklin (and others) come up with changes that many of us ultimately have to have.

Such is the case with the whole tone raise on the 1st string. This is a very long throw. And some guitars (like early LeGrandes) simply do not have enough travel capabililty on right moving knee levers (regardless of the holes used) to accomplish this change.

The late Mac Atcheson had to drill and tap right moving knee lever bracket "stops" in a number of cases where a player asked for certain changes. There simply was NOT enough travel no matter what holes he used in the bellcranks and/or changer.


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Jerry Roller

Van Buren, Arkansas USA
Post  Posted 1 Aug 2003 5:14 am    
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I agree with what Carl said; that is why Emmons now uses a 14 hole bellcrank.
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