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Author Topic:  Starter Song for U12/B6th? Big Band Swing?
Tom Gorr


Three Hills, Alberta
Post  Posted 2 Oct 2013 10:29 am    
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I know the technical basics of PSG and have a pretty strong general musical theory base although wouldn't say the PSG is something I've spent enough time on to really feel at home on. But, I'm committed to getting closer to comfort.

I really want to learn that jazzy/swinging C6th style but on a U12/B6th tuning.

I need a few song suggestions that meet the following criteria so I can begin to jam with some friends that have some appreciation for big band swing and/or pop jazz, although in general are not country western oriented....

In the hopes of gradually building a repetoire of 20 songs or so that are giggable to a wide audience, I'm looking for suggestions that are:

1) Famous enough that people recognize the song, if only vaguely

2) Simple enough for a player like me, who's somewhere above beginner, but falls well short of 'impressive' can catch on to the song with a reasonable but not excessive amount of painstaking effort.

3) tab available somewhere

4) a youtube accessible version of the song to listen to

Last edited by Tom Gorr on 7 Oct 2013 1:12 am; edited 1 time in total
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Pete Burak


Portland, OR USA
Post  Posted 2 Oct 2013 12:00 pm    
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Good Rockin' At Midnight is a good one:

With your E's lowered so you are in B6th...
I Chord = Open.
IV Chord = P6 at same fret.
I7 = 2 frets back from Open with P5.
V Chord = 2 frets up from Open with P6.
ii Chord = 2 frets back from Open with P7.
[I don't recall what key this song is in, but in the Key of G, Open is the 8th Fret.]

You could also play the whole song without using any pedals.

You're basically just raking the strings (strings 9-4 for the most part) by bringing your middle and index together with your thumb.

Play along with it.

Last edited by Pete Burak on 2 Oct 2013 12:29 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Tom Gorr


Three Hills, Alberta
Post  Posted 2 Oct 2013 12:19 pm    
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Listened to it....Fantastic suggestion! Upbeat, rocking giggable danceable tune, big band. Arrangement for PSG would make the brass section only wish!
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