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Author Topic:  To other beginners: if you're looking for a great PSG
Tony Del Favero


California, USA
Post  Posted 27 Sep 2013 11:21 am    
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I'm a bass player of 40 years who finally took the plunge to try to learn PSG. Naturally I joined the forum, read lots of articles, became familiar with the basic terminology, etc.

Then the reality hit--even in a large metro area (I live in the San Francisco Bay area) you can't just walk into your local music store--or in my case, ANY music store in the ares---and lay your hands on a PSG.

So, after swallowing hard at the cost of most PSGs I decided I would take the plunge and purchase one sight unseen. To lower my risk I searched probably 30 manufacturers websites, studied the specs, looked at pictures of the construction, etc. I scoured the classifieds here and on eBay, etc., and saw lots of seemingly interesting stuff, but knew that if it didn't arrive in tip-top shape, I could spend weeks and many $$$ getting it repaired. Also, as a working pro for many years, I've learned the importance of having a pro-quality instrument--the trick is finding that quality without spending a fortune to get it.

The conclusion of all this--I'll get there---is I called Fred Justice in Arizona. Do a search on this forum or look on Fred's website (www.fredjusticemusic.com) and you'll see that Fred has many satisfied customers as a builder and admirers as a player. These testimonials were important to me in my situation, and Fred spent all the time I needed on the phone, answered all my questions--no hard sell here, just a pro willing to help someone who knows very little about the instrument.

After comparing his 3x4 (lowest cost model but NOT a student guitar)with many competitors I decided it was the best quality and value for me and ordered.

If you're in the market for your first PSG (and I bet pros would appreciate its light weight for gigging), read on.

The order process: simple, straightforward--you send Fred a deposit, he sends a receipt, gives you a completion date, and in my case beat the date by almost 30 days. Fred responds to emails and even takes the time to call to answer questions.

The guitar: Fred's guitars are typically built to order, and the attention to detail is exceptional. Even as a beginner I notice:
- polished chrome sides and legs
- rock solid construction, no movement even with a beginner's feet mashing around trying to find the pedals
- beautiful precision CNC work on the undercarriage parts, knee levers--very clean design, aluminum reinforcement (sorry, I don't know the exact terms)down the entire length of the instrument
- top quality pickup (Bill Lawrence 705)--dead quiet even with a couple of pedals added
- armrest--this is particularly inventive--rather than having a double-wide body to accommodate the armrest, Fred attached his padded armrest to an aluminum bracket which mounts on the body in 2 minutes and is rock solid. Gives you all the benefits of a wider body without the weight.
- tuning--as a beginner I was intimidated by all the articles about tuning being a magic art on the PSG. Well, I plugged in my little strobe tuner, tuned 'er up, and bingo, in 5 minutes I was ready to go. After mangling the guitar for hours with my poor right hand technique, it took less than 5 minutes to retune. I checked the pedals too, and they were also just micro adjustments away from being in tune. While I'm not an experienced steeler, having been in bands for many years I know when a guitar is in tune, and my ears tell me the same thing as the strobe--Fred's 3x4 is a cinch to tune.
--the case--custom hard case, one-hand carry, carpeted, steel corners, well made just like the guitar.
--the sound--I have a rather atypical setup, as it's somewhat hi-fi (studio preamp and stereo power amp), but it reproduces whatever the instrument puts in, and this guitar is crystal clear, well balanced, and clean.

One final comment for those of you on a budget (like me) and still looking. . . .I gotta say that getting a new, beautifully constructed instrument backed by a pro (and a genuinely nice guy) was DEFINITELY worth a few bucks more than taking a flyer on a starter guitar or an eBay model (no disrespect meant to those selling on the forum, I'm just speaking from my experience in this transaction), and at $1500 I spent less than many used models.

This little PSG has me excited to sit down and practice, and I look forward to taking it on gigs when I'm ready.

Fred, if you happen to see this, thank you, and I'm going to call you for more advice as soon as I get off the road!
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Larry Baker


Columbia, Mo. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 27 Sep 2013 1:42 pm    
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Wise choice, Fred builds a great guitar, and is a top notch feller. I'll be doing a show with Fred next week end. Baxter Springs, Kansas

Good luck with your new toy, I know the wait will be well worth it. Larry
Mullen G2 SD10 3 & 5 The Eagle
NV112 amp===Earnie Ball V.P.
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chris ivey

california (deceased)
Post  Posted 29 Sep 2013 10:27 am    
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pretty wordsy.
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John McClung

Olympia WA, USA
Post  Posted 29 Sep 2013 1:47 pm    
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A couple of my students have that model of Justice steel, it's a great instrument at a terrific price.
▪️ If you want to have an ongoing discussion, please email me, don't use the Forum messaging which I detest! steelguitarlessons@earthlink.net
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Bill Moore

Manchester, Michigan
Post  Posted 29 Sep 2013 3:18 pm    
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I've had mine for a while, it's one of the earlier versions. It plays and sounds super good. Great value too. Smile
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Fred Justice

Mesa, Arizona
Post  Posted 30 Sep 2013 8:22 am    
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Hi Tony, just now seeing this.
What a testimony for my guitars, thank you so much.
Thanks to many satisfied customers like yourself, sales in this model are great and abundant.
I'm glad your having so much fun learning the pedal steel. If you need help or assistance in and way just holler. Very Happy God bless.
Email: azpedalman@gmail.com
Phone: 480-235-8797
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Mike Perlowin

Los Angeles CA
Post  Posted 30 Sep 2013 10:15 am    
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To be honest, I've never sat down at one of Fred's guitars, and can't say anything about them. But I've heard Fred play, and he is truly a world class player who deserves more recognition than he has received.

If his guitars are even half as good as his playing, they must be terrific.
Please visit my web site and Soundcloud page and listen to the music posted there.
http://www.mikeperlowin.com http://soundcloud.com/mike-perlowin
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Fred Justice

Mesa, Arizona
Post  Posted 30 Sep 2013 1:04 pm    
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Mike that is way good of you and much appreciated for you to say that.
Actually I've came a lot further with my relationship to the pedal steel guitar than I ever dreamed I would when I started at age 23 back in 1970 0r 1971.

As you can see, I'm pretty much living right in the center of the camp when it comes to pedal steel guitar, I love it, I love it!!!!!!!!! Very Happy
Email: azpedalman@gmail.com
Phone: 480-235-8797
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Doc Hall


Galveston, Tx
Post  Posted 30 Sep 2013 1:44 pm    
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I've gigged about 4 times with the S-10 3X4. I was playing a Carter prior to that. While the Carter is a fine guitar, Fred's S-10 is just plain fun to play. It sounds better to my ears and for a light guitar, it doesn't "walk" around when played. I travel light and never miss the excess weight. The only weight increase I've noticed is that my wallet wound up being heavier since I didn't have to spend 3 or 4 grand for a fine guitar.
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