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Topic: What does it mean? |
From: Cloverdale, CA, USA
Posted 13 Sep 2013 3:17 pm
I get spam that looks like this:
Quote: |
^% gelatinously ^\ gelatinously ^% chaudfroid ^\ chaudfroid ^% signist ^\ signist ^% dimissaries ^\ dimissaries ^% elkland ^\ elkland ^% beseechingness ^\ beseechingness ^% dahabiahs ^\ dahabiahs ^% phagy ^\ phagy ^% alveolocondylean ^\ alveolocondylean ^% dorpers ^\ dorpers ^% imperf ^\ imperf ^% unsqueezable ^\ unsqueezable ^% deadcentre ^\ deadcentre ^% moralism ^\ moralism ^% heteroptics ^\ heteroptics ^% crooisite ^\ crooisite ^% bogdown ^\ bogdown ^% suboctave ^\ suboctave ^% armillaria ^\ armillaria ^% zambo ^\ zambo ^% amputee ^\ amputee ^% indoctrinations ^\ indoctrinations ^% whinchacker ^\ whinchacker ^% dibbler ^\ dibbler ^% cibarial ^\ cibarial ^% ethelee ^\ ethelee ^% scalemen ^\ scalemen ^% juridic ^\ juridic ^% extracted ^\ extracted ^% preshowing ^\ preshowing ^% yhwh ^\ yhwh ^% soberest ^\ soberest ^% mycotic ^\ mycotic ^% theophanous ^\ theophanous ^% pedicurism ^\ p! edicurism ^% humorers ^\ humorers ^% onamia ^\ onamia ^% pintails ^\ pintails ^% tornados ^\ tornados ^% nakada ^\ nakada ^% audibleness ^\ audibleness ^% worminess ^\ worminess ^% specificalness ^\ specificalness ^% staree ^\ staree ^% miscompose ^\ miscompose ^% antienthusiastically ^\ antienthusiastically ^% prolation ^\ prolation ^% hirudinal ^\ hirudinal ^% tanglewrack ^\ tanglewrack ^% throttlebottom ^\ throttlebottom ^% unignitable ^\ unignitable ^% catholicus ^\ catholicus ^% broadthroat ^\ broadthroat ^% eelpout ^\ eelpout ^% jun ^\ jun ^% logjam ^\ logjam ^% claudy ^\ claudy ^% myrmecologist ^\ myrmecologist ^% threonine ^\ threonine ^% spotteldy ^\ spotteldy ^% tjosite ^\ tjosite ^% plunderers ^\ plunderers ^% bechuanas ^\ bechuanas ^% megaseme ^\ megaseme ^% dibs ^\ dibs ^% jacobsite ^\ jacobsite ^% bananivorous ^\ bananivorous ^% besaint ^\ besaint ^% narrower ^\ narrower ^% cabled ^\ cabled ^% exclaustration ^\ exclaustration ^% transmold ^\ transmold ^% sovereignness ^\ sovereignness ^% consarned ^\ consarned ^% arches ^\ arches ^% wauve ^\ wauve ^% grounds ^\ grounds ^% overplausible ^\ overplausible ^% orna ^\ orna ^% reconsignment ^\ reconsignment ^% upbraider ^\ upbraider ^% ytterite ^\ ytterite ^% dollied ^\ dollied ^% witinfusing ^\ witinfusing ^% kobi ^\ kobi ^% viqueen ^\ viqueen ^% cordleaf ^\ cordleaf ^% heatheriness ^\ heatheriness ^% parrotcoal ^\ parrotcoal ^% misplace ^\ misplace ^% paginated ^\ paginated ^% napoleonistic ^\ napoleonistic ^% fibster ^\ fibster ^% hypnotize ^\ hypnotize ^% ventroaxial ^\ ventroaxial ^% glyc ^\ glyc ^% tonguefree ^\ tonguefree ^% siphonostome ^\ siphonostome ^% infundibuliform ^\ infundibuliform ^% warf ^\ warf ^% forepointer ^\ forepointer ^% wickets ^\ wickets ^% spanaway ^\ spanaway ^% unsting ^\ unsting ^% uvular ^\ uvular ^% gainliest ^\ gainliest ^% sonoma ^\ sonoma ^% ziegler ^\ ziegler ^% redwing ^\ redwing ^% interreflect ^\ interreflect ^% blocking ^\ blocking ^% loveanguished ^\ loveanguished ^% alethiologic ^\ alethiologic ^% debones ^\ debones ^% hemihypotonia ^\ hemihypotonia ^% unannulled ^\ unannulled ^% terminalia ^\ terminalia ^% comfortroot ^\ comfortroot ^% brucins ^\ brucins ^% halfdoor ^\ halfdoor ^% unallayably ^\ unallayably ^% peabody ^\ peabody ^% margherita ^\ margherita ^% mullock ^\ mullock ^% binddays ^\ binddays ^% pecky ^\ pecky ^% sternites ^\ sternites ^% downtreading ^\ downtreading ^% anarcestean ^\ anarcestean ^% welllabeled ^\ welllabeled ^% cruelhearted ^\ cruelhearted ^% blastocarpous ^\ blastocarpous ^% outbacker ^\ outbacker ^% tortoni ^\ tortoni ^% cofermentation ^\ cofermentation ^% wahkon ^\ wahkon ^% gripe ^\ gripe ^% piline ^\ piline ^% unchristianly ^\ unchristianly ^% rollout ^\ rollout ^% labbella ^\ labbella ^% incriminates ^\ incriminates ^% personableness ^\ personableness ^% albuminose ^\ albuminose ^% tabb ^\ tabb ^% exobasidiales ^\ exobasidiales ^% redistrict ^\ redistrict ^% dialogical ^\ dialogical ^% headway ^\ headway ^% tigerling ^\ tigerling ^% denary ^\ denary ^% ayudante ^\ ayudante ^% sarc ^\ sarc ^% alderflies ^\ alderflies ^% pronegro ^\ pronegro ^% salago ^\ salago ^% heatkilled ^\ heatkilled ^% adoptionism ^\ adoptionism ^% boarderup ^\ boarderup ^% tapesium ^\ tapesium ^% uncongealable ^\ uncongealable ^% batcher ^\ batcher ^% hueston ^\ hueston ^% refires ^\ refires ^% acrotreta ^\ acrotreta ^% rhyolite ^\ rhyolite |
It goes on and on. What is the meaning of this? _________________ -𝕓𝕆𝕓- (admin) - Robert P. Lee - Recordings - Breathe - D6th - Video |
Wiz Feinberg
From: Mid-Michigan, USA
Posted 13 Sep 2013 10:00 pm
This is an example of "Salad Spam." Spammers inject garbage words, often separated by slashes, to confuse spam filters. These words are usually contained inside a hidden html element, so the reader doesn't see them. At the beginning or end of the salad words there is a spam message and link to a typically Russian website. _________________ "Wiz" Feinberg, Moderator SGF Computers Forum
Security Consultant
Twitter: @Wizcrafts
Main web pages: Wiztunes Steel Guitar website | Wiz's Security Blog | My Webmaster Services | Wiz's Security Blog |
From: Cloverdale, CA, USA
Jim Cohen
From: Philadelphia, PA
Jeff Garden
From: Center Sandwich, New Hampshire, USA
Posted 14 Sep 2013 4:58 am
fun words.
theophanous? maybe this is where Joe Wright gets his material.
today's assignment: use "amputee pedicurism" in a sentence... |
Fred Justice
From: Mesa, Arizona
Posted 14 Sep 2013 5:25 am
b0b I think their trying to contact you from another planet. _________________ Email:
Phone: 480-235-8797 |
From: Cloverdale, CA, USA
Posted 15 Sep 2013 8:33 am
Here's a small part of another one:
Quote: |
unintellectiveselfshining selfshiningunrotatory unrotatorystornelli stornelli>toodleloodle toodleloodlekatleen katleenstornelli stornellituneup tuneuplapidification lapidificationaponeurositis aponeurositisdbas dbasluteciums luteciumsfrantic franticcymars cymarsblatancy blatancykas kascollectivity collectivitybellyflopping bellyfloppingreft reftlovelacking lovelackingibad ibaddei deiselfshining selfshiningkheth khethghiselin ghiselintattooed tattooedlargecelled largecelledstraitsleeved straitsleevedjivaran jivaranheinie heinieflotow flotowresale resaletunbelly tunbellygoosestepper goosestepperrestudy restudycyesiology cyesiologypaperhanging paperhangingsanguinecomplexioned sanguinecomplexionedmy! ometritis myometritisdevilkin devilkinbeyerite beyeritedecoagulation decoagulationcolombes colombesdoghouse doghousedividualism dividualismorthodoxly orthodoxlyafterlight afterlightmononychous mononychousstubachite stubachitelibational libationaldaverdy daverdybinationalism binationalismhornshaped hornshapedmaskers maskers pericardian pericardiansepsid sepsidfreetrade freetrademeriquinone meriquinoneuntack untackvoglite voglitecavanagh cavanaghsphygmophonic sphygmophonicolearia oleariaseamript seamriptarrowsmith arrowsmithorithyia orithyiaguileless guilelessintersexuality intersexualityskopje skopjecoors coorsmysticly mysticlydestigmatize destigmatizedillsboro dillsboroiodopsin |
Some pretty weird words in there! _________________ -𝕓𝕆𝕓- (admin) - Robert P. Lee - Recordings - Breathe - D6th - Video |
Wiz Feinberg
From: Mid-Michigan, USA
Posted 15 Sep 2013 9:27 am
This trick worked for about one month, after first being introduced. The people who write spam filters (including me) know how to filter out octopus ink and see the actual spam message. Also, that many words without normal formatting, or the ones separated by slashes, are easy to match with regular expressions. _________________ "Wiz" Feinberg, Moderator SGF Computers Forum
Security Consultant
Twitter: @Wizcrafts
Main web pages: Wiztunes Steel Guitar website | Wiz's Security Blog | My Webmaster Services | Wiz's Security Blog |
Wiz Feinberg
From: Mid-Michigan, USA
Posted 15 Sep 2013 9:30 am
Who would think that a blank reply to field could be used as a spam filter? I do. It is not standard procedure and mostly occurs when spam templates are used with spoofed headers.
Return-path: <>
Simple spam filter for an on-going pump and dump scam, out of Belarus. _________________ "Wiz" Feinberg, Moderator SGF Computers Forum
Security Consultant
Twitter: @Wizcrafts
Main web pages: Wiztunes Steel Guitar website | Wiz's Security Blog | My Webmaster Services | Wiz's Security Blog |
Dave Potter
From: Texas
Posted 18 Sep 2013 3:02 am
Wiz -
Periodically, I get spam from Russia I've still not figured out.
It takes the form of spoofed emails "I" sent to someone in some Russian domain I've never heard of, and I get a "bounce" back to my inbox with an error that says "I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not be delivered...etc etc" or "The following message had permanent fatal errors....etc etc", things like that.
These things show my email address as the sender, but I'm not sending them. I'll get 20-30 or more a day sometimes, and it's hard for me to write a filter for them because they never have anything in common except they're "from me".
What are these people accomplishing by this silliness? |
Wiz Feinberg
From: Mid-Michigan, USA
Posted 18 Sep 2013 6:44 am
Dave Potter wrote: |
Wiz -
Periodically, I get spam from Russia I've still not figured out.
It takes the form of spoofed emails "I" sent to someone in some Russian domain I've never heard of, and I get a "bounce" back to my inbox with an error that says "I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not be delivered...etc etc" or "The following message had permanent fatal errors....etc etc", things like that.
These things show my email address as the sender, but I'm not sending them. I'll get 20-30 or more a day sometimes, and it's hard for me to write a filter for them because they never have anything in common except they're "from me".
What are these people accomplishing by this silliness? |
It is possible that those really are bounces and they are the result of a Joe Job on your email accounts.
Everybody who sends email, or displays their email address on a web page, or lists an email address with an online company, will someday have it harvested by spambots. This is just a fact of life these days.
Harvested email addresses are used in spam templates to send spam to you and to spoof you as the sender of other, or even the same messages. I often get spam from me - to me! It is a Joe Job, used to try to fool spam filters.
So, it could be that your email address and personal name are being used in a spam run in Russia and you are getting the refusal reports. All bounces, service unavailable, and message refusals go to either the From, or Reply To account. _________________ "Wiz" Feinberg, Moderator SGF Computers Forum
Security Consultant
Twitter: @Wizcrafts
Main web pages: Wiztunes Steel Guitar website | Wiz's Security Blog | My Webmaster Services | Wiz's Security Blog |
Ben Elder
From: La Crescenta, California, USA
Posted 18 Sep 2013 9:16 am
I think they're excerpts from the ZB Maintenance Manual. _________________ "Gopher, Everett?" |
Dave Potter
From: Texas
Posted 18 Sep 2013 9:46 am
Wiz Feinberg wrote: |
Everybody who sends email, or displays their email address on a web page, or lists an email address with an online company, will someday have it harvested by spambots. This is just a fact of life these days. |
Yes, I've done all those things over the years, before I understood the risks. I avoid it mostly anymore, by using email aliases that I can simply cancel at will if one begins to generate spam. But I know my primary email address is all over the world and has been bought and sold many times.
Thanks, Wiz |
Richard Sinkler
From: aka: Rusty Strings -- Missoula, Montana
Posted 18 Sep 2013 10:05 am
Quote: |
It takes the form of spoofed emails "I" sent to someone in some Russian domain I've never heard of, and I get a "bounce" back to my inbox with an error that says "I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not be delivered...etc etc" or "The following message had permanent fatal errors....etc etc", things like that.
These things show my email address as the sender, but I'm not sending them. I'll get 20-30 or more a day sometimes, and it's hard for me to write a filter for them because they never have anything in common except they're "from me". |
This happened to me a year or two ago. I was getting many bounced back emails every day. I finally stopped counting somewhere around 800 over a period of maybe 3 weeks when they seemed to stop. They ALL were addressed to hotmail accounts that I didn't know who they were and definitely didn't send them. Except for maybe 1 or 2, they all bounced back into my spam folder (that's how I was able to keep count). I switched to another email service after that. _________________ Carter D10 8p/8k, Dekley S10 3p/4k C6 setup,Regal RD40 Dobro, Recording King Professional Dobro, NV400, NV112,Ibanez Gio guitar, Epiphone SG Special (open D slide guitar) . Playing for 54 years and still counting. |