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John Ely


Minneapolis Minnesota, USA
Post  Posted 20 Aug 2013 5:23 am    
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I use a Sony SuperScope PSD340 to play CD's for learning/rehearsal purposes. It has a built in looper and speed control which makes it an excellent tool.
I do use some Jeff Newman materials, and have found that one of about every 5 or 6 of these CD's won't play on my machine; the SuperScope displays a "no disc" message with these CD's.
Has anyone else had a similar problem?
Of course it may well be the player rather than the disc, but the Jeffran CD's are the only ones that seem to do this.
I bought 5 Woodshed Workshops from Fran last week, and sure enough, one of the five won't play. Plays OK on computer though.
I'm in no way criticizing the quality of the CD's, and I'm sure Fran would make exchanges as needed. Just trying to sort out the problem...
John Ely (but I'm not THE John Ely who played with Asleep at the Wheel).
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 20 Aug 2013 7:11 am    
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This is sort of a common problem with computer burned CD's (which I assume is what you have). Many do not realize and just burn them at the highest speed.

I do a lot of audio CD burning, as I have a (home) recording studio. My audio CD burn speed standard is 8X, which makes the audio CD's compatible with almost all audio CD players.

Audio CD's burned at higher speeds can have problems with some audio CD players - either skipping or not being recognized.

If you have a PC with a CD burner you can try copying it and burning at the slowest speed on your CD burner (most newer SATA drives will go down to 16X). That may make it playable.
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John Ely


Minneapolis Minnesota, USA
Post  Posted 20 Aug 2013 12:01 pm    
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Thank you, Jack. I didn't know about those issues with audio CD's burned on computers.
Your answer makes sense; I've had a couple of other instructional CD's that did the same thing in the past, but have NEVER had a commercial CD fail to play in the Sony.
John Ely (but I'm not THE John Ely who played with Asleep at the Wheel).
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Carl Kilmer

East Central, Illinois
Post  Posted 23 Aug 2013 4:32 pm    
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The best thing to do is make a backup copy at a slow speed
onto a very good cd. I would not use Memorex. They are the
only discs (both cd's and dvd's) that 98% of every one fails
on all of my equipment either burning or playing. Whoa! Crying or Very sad Mad Devil
aka "Lucky Kay"--Custom built Rittenberry SD10 3X5, Walker S/S, NV-112, and Hilton Pedal
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Chris Lucker


Los Angeles, California USA
Post  Posted 23 Aug 2013 10:22 pm    
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I do not know if this is relevant, but I had a disc from Fran that did not play and she suggested that I remove the Jeffran label. When I did the disc worked.
Chris Lucker
Red Bellies, Bigsbys and a lot of other guitars.
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Peter den Hartogh

Cape Town, South Africa
Post  Posted 24 Aug 2013 1:52 am    
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Commercial CDs are not "burned" but "stamped" in a similar way vinyl records were produced.

Burned CDs have a limited lifespan due to all kind of factors like oxidation creeping in from the side if the edges are not sealed properly; etc. I believe that they don't last longer than 5 to 10 years, depending on the manufacturing quality.

So I recommend you back up all important "burned" CDs on a hard drive (or two). I also think it is a good idea to keep the original "burned" CD in a safe place and only play or practice with copies.
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Carl Kilmer

East Central, Illinois
Post  Posted 24 Aug 2013 3:59 am    
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Commercial CD's and DVD's never have a label on them.
If any disc has a label, it can (and will) come off in time
and ruin any CD or DVD player. The painted surface on
some of the low grade disc's (China) can also come off
in time and clog up or destroy your player or recorder. Whoa!
Remember disc's do spin super fast and can get very hot.
aka "Lucky Kay"--Custom built Rittenberry SD10 3X5, Walker S/S, NV-112, and Hilton Pedal
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Fred Amendola


Lancaster, Pa.
Post  Posted 24 Aug 2013 6:00 am     Adhesive labels
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The adhesive label can shrink with temperature and humidity, at which point it warps the disc. I've had several CD/DVDs which I had thought failed, when in fact it was the label.

You can put the disc on a flat surface and see if it's actually flat or not. Put it label-side down and see if the center is raised up. Usually the first few tracks [the center of the disc] will play, then it gets worse as you go out. If you get the label off, the disc will return to flat.

I got a hold of an Epson RX580 printer that prints on the "white" CD. Labels are a disaster !

Hope this helps
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John Ely


Minneapolis Minnesota, USA
Post  Posted 24 Aug 2013 6:13 am    
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Thanks for these responses, guys. I'll work with them.
Joey and bOb, thanks for moving the original post from "Music, Lessons" to "Pedal Steel"; I've gotten a lot more views and responses here.
John Ely (but I'm not THE John Ely who played with Asleep at the Wheel).
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Jack Devereux


Brooklyn NY
Post  Posted 24 Aug 2013 9:31 am    
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I recently got the Right Hand Alpha CD and DVD, and neither will play on my Mac. Tried the CD in the car CD player and it worked fine, don't have a regular DVD player, but I suspect it will be the same case. Looked into it on the internet, and it seems to be some issue with the burning sequence on a PC vs Mac. Gonna try to make a copy to get it to play on the computer. Definitely bummed out, because I'm super excited to work on this stuff!
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Calvin Walley

colorado city colorado, USA
Post  Posted 24 Aug 2013 10:34 am    
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the only problem I have ever had with Jeffs DVDs is getting the volume loud enough... never found an answer for the problem
proud parent of a sailor

Mullen SD-10 /nashville 400
gotta love a Mullen!!!

Guitars that i have owned in order are :
Mullen SD-10,Simmons SD-10,Mullen SD-10,Zum stage one,Carter starter,
Sho-Bud Mavrick
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John Ely


Minneapolis Minnesota, USA
Post  Posted 24 Aug 2013 11:01 am    
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Jack, for whatever it's worth, the Newman materials I've purchased play just fine on my Mac.
John Ely (but I'm not THE John Ely who played with Asleep at the Wheel).
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Carl Kilmer

East Central, Illinois
Post  Posted 24 Aug 2013 11:09 am     Low CD volume
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Hi Calvin. If you have a copy program with a normalizer
in it, make a backup and set the normalizer at 99% or if
you have a have an editing program you change the volume.
If you have the free program "Audacity" that will also work.
aka "Lucky Kay"--Custom built Rittenberry SD10 3X5, Walker S/S, NV-112, and Hilton Pedal
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