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Author Topic:  "Rider In The Rain" Steel or not?
Joachim Kettner

Post  Posted 17 Aug 2013 12:34 am    
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I'v found a comment of Waddy Wachel about how he did the fills in "Rider In The Rain", where he emulates the steel guitar perfectly. I believed the credits in the liner notes to Randy Newman's "Little Criminals", where it only lists standard guitars on the song, but I still had some doubts:

One of Waddy's specialties is the playing of pedal steel effects on a standard electric guitar. Prime examples are found on Randy Newman's "Rider In The Rain" [Little Criminals ]. Even though the Stratocaster actually sounds more like a pedal steel, Wachtel uses the Les Paul with its Bigsby vibrato tailpiece. He exclaims, "Gotta have Bigsby forever. I love them. I've always had one on my Les

Paul, ever since my first one. There's just something about the Bigsby on the Les Paul. The spring is very short, and the bar is very close, so I don't have to make a grab for the steely things. For instance, if I'm playing an A note at the 5th fret on the first string, and I'm trying to get to a D chord, I'll take my 2nd finger and put it on the 5th fret of the second string, and I'll push that E note up a whole-step to an F#. Once I get there, if I just vibrato to the second string, then only that string will have the vibrato. So I'll bend it in tune, and then just slightly lean on the Bigsby and vibrato both notes."
Fender Kingman, Sierra Crown D-10, Evans Amplifier, Soup Cube.
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Dave Hopping

Aurora, Colorado
Post  Posted 17 Aug 2013 10:32 am    
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That's the best six-string impersonation of a pedal steel I have ever heard.It's so good the non-playing listener might think it WAS a pedal steel,and that's where I have an artistic nit to pick...If you listen to Waddy's playing on this track on a six-string basis,it's brilliant.Just superb.If you listen to it as pedal steel playing,it's beginners' E9 A and B pedal licks with a bit too much volume pedal.

Does anyone know if Waddy plays steel?
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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 17 Aug 2013 11:46 am    
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Dave Hopping wrote:
If you listen to Waddy's playing on this track on a six-string basis,it's brilliant.Just superb.If you listen to it as pedal steel playing,it's beginners' E9 A and B pedal licks with a bit too much volume pedal.

My thoughts, exactly! (Except that Dave left out "pitchy", so I'll throw that in, too.)
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Mike Neer

Post  Posted 18 Aug 2013 7:22 am    
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The coolest thing Waddy ever did was the track from a Zevon record, Heartache Spoken Here, which is a multitrack guitar solo even though there is a pedal steel guitarist on the track (I think it was Dugmore).

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Joachim Kettner

Post  Posted 18 Aug 2013 7:39 am    
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That's a great song, Mike. The solo is something else too.

Here he mentions that he uses a Goodrich volume pedal and that they both, him and Warren Zevon, were in the backing band of the Everly's in the early seventies. Btw, the interview was conducted by Steve Fishell.
Fender Kingman, Sierra Crown D-10, Evans Amplifier, Soup Cube.
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