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Author Topic:  '65 Blackface Showman w/ 2-12 JBL Cab
Al Bettis

Houston, Texas USA
Post  Posted 25 Jul 2013 10:24 am    
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I decided to sell my Showman and JBL rig and wanted to offer it first here to my steel bros. Time to thin the herd.

This is the real deal. '65 Showman head, all new tubes and recently checked out by Reid Walker Services in Houston, certified Fender and JBL shop. Great amp for double duty steel and guitar players. Lightly gigged and studio kept.

The head has been recovered. there is a slight gap in the tolex in upper right corner of the face that has been glued down, but it is not visible without a closer look.

Everything works and sounds great. 4-6L6 85 watts. No foot pedal for the vibrato. There is a four ohm output jack and an extension speaker jack.

This sits on a JDesigns cabinet made of 3/4" birch. The speakers are JBL D-131s which I had rebuilt to D-120F specs by Reid Walker. They sound like they're supposed to. LOUD and clean, clean, clean lows and highs. D-131s were the precursors to D-120Fs. The F series was made for Fender amplifiers and featured a little larger coil and more reinforcement of the cone, as I understand. There is plenty of info out there on the net and I can point to some links if you are interested.

If there is interest I will post more photos and be glad to answer any questions. Amp weighs 33.5#, cabinet about 50#, will double check and confirm.

Reconed JBL D-120Fs are going for $250 or more, each. It will cost you that much to buy old frames and do what I've already done. The cabinet will cost you $250. Showmans are running from $700 up. This one has been gone over, cleaned and retubed, about $150. Add in the shipping for all the components and you're in the $1800 range. Not to mention the delays.

Will sell all for $1,650 plus shipping.


Emmons P/P, Session 400, sundry 6 stringed and 4 legged critters, amps old & new

Last edited by Al Bettis on 26 Jul 2013 5:48 am; edited 1 time in total
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Chris Boyd


Post  Posted 25 Jul 2013 2:36 pm    
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THAT is just gorgeous!
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