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Author Topic:  Early Gibson Lapsteels
Marc Weller


Upland, Ca. 91784
Post  Posted 16 Sep 2000 11:50 pm    
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I'm thinking about purchasing an early Gibson lapsteel. My question deals primarily with pickups. I have seen some prewar Gibsons with a Charlie Christian pickup , and others with the ES300 single pole style. How do these compare?


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Ian McLatchie


Sechelt, British Columbia
Post  Posted 18 Sep 2000 2:45 am    
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The fact that you haven't had an answer yet attests to the rarity of lap steels, either EH-185's or EH-150's, with the slant pickup.
I wish I could help you, but I haven't had the chance to play one myself, although I've been tempted to buy a 185 on more than one occasion. I'm certainly familiar with the Charlie Christian EH-150's, though, and can hardly recommend them highly enough, if you can find a good one. I have a 7-string 150, and in its own way it's every bit as great sounding an instrument as any Rickenbacher or Fender I've owned. Try a few, though; some sound much better than others.
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