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Author Topic:  Putting a 2nd RKR on a PP. Is it possible?
Paul Sutherland


Placerville, California
Post  Posted 20 Jun 2013 9:31 am    
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I have been playing my D10 Emmons PP with the following changes on the right knee right: lowering 4 & 8 a half tone on the E9 neck, and raising the 3rd a half tone on the C6th neck.

Recently I loosened the collar and disabled the C6th change, and I was startled by how much better the E9 changes worked, and how much better the lever felt. E9 is the clear priority for me, but I still want to have the C6th change; just not on the same lever.

Before trying to squeeze another knee lever somewhere on the C6 side, I wanted to consider putting a second RKR on the guitar, just set a bit further back. There's not much room. Has anyone done this? If so, could you post pictures, etc.
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