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Author Topic:  Pad on Sd-10 thinking of taking it off
Gerald Shaw


Florida, USA
Post  Posted 8 Jun 2013 2:22 pm    
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When playing, my right hand should not be anchored on the pad, it should be free to move vertically (from bass strings to treble strings) depending on the strings I'm Playing. Is this right? I'm finding my arm wants to lay down on that pad - and my right hand then is stationary. To clear the pad I have to try to remember to elevate my right hand so it floats above it. And, more often than not, I revert back to just letting my arm rest on that pad. So, I'm thinking of taking the pad off, so my hand will float free. Has anyone else done this? Am I right when I say the right hand should not lay on the pad when playing? Thanks in advance.
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Dave Mudgett

Central Pennsylvania and Gallatin, Tennessee
Post  Posted 8 Jun 2013 5:23 pm    
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I would not pull the pad off an SD-10. If you really want to stay above the pad, just stay above the pad. There are some things I find I simply need to force to happen with pedal steel. I would not want to get reliant on needing to lean on a pad, but this angle looks OK to me, and I imagine nobody is gonna argue about Lloyd's technique:

I'm pretty tall, and to make my legs comfortable, I have to sit high and jack up the steel a bit. So it's taken a while for me to figure out how to get my guitar ergonomics so that my arms are coming from a reasonable and relaxed angle and not way above the guitar, which forces me to contort my arms to keep them tucked in. You can see the issue in my avatar, which was shot quite a few years ago. I think it takes a while to get to a comfortable spot with pedal steel.

My take.
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