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Author Topic:  Tone Poems III
Howard Parker

Post  Posted 10 Sep 2000 5:45 am    
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This seems to be a banner year for resonator guitar enthusiasts. We've seen
quite a few recordings released that focus on the instrument. The latest is
Tone Poems III (Acoustic Disc).

This project is immense and I'm just beginning to absorb all the music.
Here is the concept:

1. Find 3 legendary musicians.

2. Line up a _ton_ of interesting/vintage resonator (and pre resonator)

3. Play material that is "native" to the instrument's period.


1. We've got Mike Auldridge, Bob Brozman and David Grisman

2. At my count there are 55 instruments (liner notes say 65?).

3. There are 21 tracks of pristinely recorded material.

It doesn't stop there...The accompanying booklet of roughly 50 pages with
notes on each instrument and absolutely _stunning_ photography.

(Wait...I'm listening to St Louis Blues with Mike on a 1927 national Style
#2, Bob on a 1929 Dobro Model 125 and David on a 1929 Dobro mando).

Let see...a couple of interesting notes:

Mike taking his 1935 Regal (the Scene years) out of retirement for this.

Stompin' At The Savoy on a 1940 National wood bodied Tricone (uh..6 string
btw), sounding more like the original Goodman quartet. Bob is backing this
up on a 1940 national Aragon.

A picture of Ivan Guernsey and a discussion of modern luthiers.

This was obviously a _huge_
project and I'm in shock trying to take it all in.

If you buy one recording this year...this is the one!!


Howard Parker

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Chris Walke


St Charles, IL
Post  Posted 11 Sep 2000 6:17 am    
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I have the album too! Beautiful stuff. How about that Martin Koa Hawaiian on the 3rd or 4th track? Great sound, fabulous picture in the book. If I could only get my hands on one of those...
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Bob Stone

Gainesville, FL, USA
Post  Posted 12 Sep 2000 11:18 am    
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Got mine yesterday and really love it. Beautifully done. The booklet photos are especially fine. Well worth the premium price.

Kudos to Auldridge, Brozman and Grisman.
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