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Author Topic:  Good light weight speaker for Vibrosonic Reverb?
Jim Rossen


Iowa, USA
Post  Posted 19 May 2013 9:34 am    
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I find this amp to be heavy and seek recs for a light weight speaker. It is used for non-pedal 8 string.
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Stephen Cowell

Round Rock, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 19 May 2013 9:38 am    
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Jim is seeking alternatives for an 8ohm 15" speaker... thought I'd save the rest of you teh Google.
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Jim Rossen


Iowa, USA
Post  Posted 19 May 2013 11:21 am    
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8 ohm 15 in speaker, open back cab, 100 W tube amp.
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Lane Gray

Topeka, KS
Post  Posted 19 May 2013 3:30 pm    
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The Eminence Neo?
2 pedal steels, a lapStrat, and an 8-string Dobro (and 3 ukes)
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Ken Fox

Nashville GA USA
Post  Posted 19 May 2013 4:43 pm    
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I would think a Jensen p15n would be a warmer speaker for lap steel as well as guitar.
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Stephen Cowell

Round Rock, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 19 May 2013 4:55 pm    
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Ken Fox wrote:
I would think a Jensen p15n would be a warmer speaker for lap steel as well as guitar.

I'd say that would be pushing it... it seems that's a 50w speaker. A JBL D or E would sure be nice... not that much lighter, if at all. Looks like the Neo's have it.
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Alvin Blaine

Picture Rocks, Arizona, USA
Post  Posted 20 May 2013 12:07 am    
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My first choice, is the one I'm using in my old Blackface Twin. The Weber Michigan, it's 12 pounds and cost about $122. More of an old EV style 15 inch speaker, has a much smoother top end than a JBL D-130, and doesn't get that harsh nasal tone when distorted like the JBL does, and weighs about 5 or 6 pound less than a D-130.

Next choice would be the Weber NeoMag 15. It weighs in at 9.5 pounds and has more of the D-130 characteristics, that comes in at half the weight, but it cost about $50 more than the one above, at $183.
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Ken Fox

Nashville GA USA
Post  Posted 20 May 2013 4:01 am    
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That sound great. I prefer the softer/warmer sound of the old EV speakers over JBLs for a Twin, or any amp for that matter. If they can come close to that with the Weber then that would be a nice choice!
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Jim Rossen


Iowa, USA
Post  Posted 20 May 2013 5:25 am    
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Alvin Blaine wrote:
My first choice, is the one I'm using in my old Blackface Twin. The Weber Michigan, it's 12 pounds and cost about $122. More of an old EV style 15 inch speaker, has a much smoother top end than a JBL D-130, and doesn't get that harsh nasal tone when distorted like the JBL does, and weighs about 5 or 6 pound less than a D-130.

Next choice would be the Weber NeoMag 15. It weighs in at 9.5 pounds and has more of the D-130 characteristics, that comes in at half the weight, but it cost about $50 more than the one above, at $183.

These come in aluminum or paper dust caps, and dope/no dope. Any thoughts on these options?

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Alvin Blaine

Picture Rocks, Arizona, USA
Post  Posted 20 May 2013 10:10 am    
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Jim Rossen wrote:
Alvin Blaine wrote:
My first choice, is the one I'm using in my old Blackface Twin. The Weber Michigan, it's 12 pounds and cost about $122. More of an old EV style 15 inch speaker, has a much smoother top end than a JBL D-130, and doesn't get that harsh nasal tone when distorted like the JBL does, and weighs about 5 or 6 pound less than a D-130.

Next choice would be the Weber NeoMag 15. It weighs in at 9.5 pounds and has more of the D-130 characteristics, that comes in at half the weight, but it cost about $50 more than the one above, at $183.

These come in aluminum or paper dust caps, and dope/no dope. Any thoughts on these options?


Some claim the aluminum dust cap adds high end clarity to the speaker. I've had two of the some model of speaker, on with aluminum and one with paper, and on my spectrum analyzer there wasn't much difference (then I've never had two identical speakers sound the same either). Maybe 1 db boost at 8k and above, and that's not enough for most humans to hear a difference in. That said I go with the aluminum because it looks cool to me, and I still believe I can hear a difference.

On doping, it depends on how your going to use it.
Doping is a thin coat of rubber around the edge of the cone where it meets up with the frame. It helps keep the paper from tearing under stress and fatigue.
If you always play soft and never crank a speaker for extended periods of time, then no doping is fine, and you actually have a more articulate, responsive speaker. Doping gets you a little less responsive speaker, with less cone overtones, and helps with less speaker farting out on low notes.
You can do lite doping, medium, or heavy.

If your going to be playing very loud speed metal all night long go with the heavy dope. For lap steel, I would do a light doping. Gives your speaker a little protection from wear, but is still responsive, with a bit of an older broke in speaker tone.
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