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Author Topic:  " I Know One"/Jim Reeves: Lap and Pedal Steel
Kay Das

Los Angeles CA
Post  Posted 14 Apr 2013 11:29 pm    
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"I Know One" was my favourite Jim Reeves tune as a teenager..and it brings back sweet memories of those years. I guess it might have been the lilt in the rhythm and the melody that caught my ear....

This instrumental rendition has the lead and accompaniment featuring on four guitars: a pedal steel (MSA Classic XL E9 neck), a West Coast lap steel (B11 tuning), a Strat (2005) and a Martin acoustic. Key of C.

When all your loves have ended, when all your friends have flown
Who'll be around to want you when all your loves have gone
Only a fool would do it after the way you've done
But how many fools would have you, I know one
This fool keeps wondering why he fell in love at all
But you might need this fool around in case you fall
After the party's over and you've had your fill of fun
If you need a fool to forgive you, I know one
You never know you might be lonely when all your loves have missed
It wouldn't hurt to keep an extra fool on your list
After your heart's been broken and it needs a place to run
If you'll take a fool who loves you, I know one
Yes, I know one....
I know one


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