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Author Topic:  NV 400 sound gets distorted...
Sven Kontio

Post  Posted 21 Jan 2013 1:28 pm    
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Ok, friends, please be patient w/ my English vocabulary now... Smile
My old NV 400 plays clean on low volume but the sound gets more and more distorted the louder I play. Do you have any suggestions to what causes this? I guess there's probably some link to a possible cause and soloution, but I can't find it.
I really would appreciate help with this.
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Stephen Cowell

Round Rock, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 21 Jan 2013 9:34 pm    
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Sven, your first job is to try a different speaker... or try your speaker with a different amp. Divide and conquer!
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Sven Kontio

Post  Posted 22 Jan 2013 12:21 am    
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Thank you Stephen! Wilco! I have a Session 400 which speaker I could try to connect to the NV. Thanks again!
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Bob Tuttle

Republic, MO 65738
Post  Posted 22 Jan 2013 1:11 pm    
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Sven, be sure that the pre gain is set lower than the post gain.
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Sven Kontio

Post  Posted 23 Jan 2013 3:45 am    
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Thanks, Bob! I knew about that, so that´s not the problem. Thanks anyway! Very Happy
Actually what I´m thinking about is about the capacitors...I have read that those start to leak when they get old. How do you determine if they need to be replaced? Which problems do leaking capacitors cause?

As far as trying with a different speaker: I´m having sort of the same problem with the Session as well, although not as much distortion as with the NV.

The NV is an early model w/o the mod. The Session is of a later model.
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Stephen Cowell

Round Rock, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 23 Jan 2013 9:45 am    
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The speaker is just the easiest thing to try... normally when Peaveys have problems it's either the loop jacks or the Molex connectors inside.

Take a short 1/4" cord and jack from loop out to loop in... this is basically the same as what the jacks normally do inside; when there's nothing plugged in, they jump across so that the preamp to poweramp connection is made. With age these connections get dirty/corroded and noise can start happening.

Also, Peavey uses (used to use?) Molex connectors inside for board-to-board connections... these can get corroded/loose over time too. The big clue is the 'crunchies'... you can bang on the top of your amp and cause changes in the noise, or noise itself. You have to bang way too hard to hear this with the loop jack problem, normally.

So the first thing a bench tech does to a Peavey is to clean/re-tense/re-seat the Molex connectors and to clean the loop jack contacts. De-Oxit and Pro-Gold are the normal cleaners used. It is well worth it for a gigging musician to have this done once a year as preventive maintenance.

But it might be the speaker... and that's the easiest thing to test. But if both your Peaveys are doing this, then more likely as above.
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