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Author Topic:  Tony Gilkyson- song dedicated to Roy Nichols
Joachim Kettner

Post  Posted 23 Dec 2012 11:34 pm    
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From Wikipedia:
Roy Ernest Nichols was born in Chandler, Arizona. His parents were Bruce and Lucille Nichols. Roy was the first born of seven children. The Nichols family moved to Fresno, California when he was 2. They owned a camp for migrant farm workers. Sometimes a traveling Gypsy band would stay at the camp. Nichols would hide and watch them play. His father Bruce played upright bass at the local dances on the weekends in the San Joaquin Valley. Nichols was interested in his father’s music. He learned three chords from his father and began playing in his father's band on the weekends when he was 11. By age 14, Nichols began playing weekends with Curly Roberts and the Rangers. This earned him $25 a week.

And now the song "Gipsy's In My Backyard":
Fender Kingman, Sierra Crown D-10, Evans Amplifier, Soup Cube.
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Alvin Blaine

Picture Rocks, Arizona, USA
Post  Posted 24 Dec 2012 12:52 am     Re: Tony Gilkyson- song dedicated to Roy Nichols
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Joachim Kettner wrote:
From Wikipedia:
Roy Ernest Nichols was born in Chandler, Arizona. His parents were Bruce and Lucille Nichols. Roy was the first born of seven children. The Nichols family moved to Fresno, California when he was 2. They owned a camp for migrant farm workers. Sometimes a traveling Gypsy band would stay at the camp. Nichols would hide and watch them play. His father Bruce played upright bass at the local dances on the weekends in the San Joaquin Valley. Nichols was interested in his father’s music. He learned three chords from his father and began playing in his father's band on the weekends when he was 11. By age 14, Nichols began playing weekends with Curly Roberts and the Rangers. This earned him $25 a week.

And now the song "Gipsy's In My Backyard":

And the next year he went to work with Maddox Brothers and Rose, making $90 a week.

Great song there by Tony.
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Joachim Kettner

Post  Posted 25 Dec 2012 9:14 am    
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"Totally Insrumental With One Exception" by The Strangers with Roy Nichols and Norm Hamlet, the whole album:

Fender Kingman, Sierra Crown D-10, Evans Amplifier, Soup Cube.
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