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Author Topic:  6th players setup
ed packard


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Post  Posted 19 Nov 2002 12:48 pm    
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A super picker friend of mine wanted to try out my 14 string monster. He is a heavy 6th player, so I redid the top two strings on my setup to fit his C6 habits. The result is a 6th players happiness in E,A,&B = I,IV,V.

The E9th tuning string 9 has been replaced with an X., the string 9 shown is for a common E9/B6 universal setup.

Notice that the C6\9 on the first fret has the 9th as the first string but also has a high A as the second string.

I left out of the diagram the rest of the strings for the 12 & 14 string setups as most are 10 string players. The rest of the 12 & 14 strings complete the chords and can provide 1s & 5s as the bottom strings in each chord/tuning. I have not heard his reaction to the setup yet.

...E6\9..........A6..........B6\9.....C6/9=1st fret


[This message was edited by ed packard on 19 November 2002 at 03:46 PM.]

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