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Author Topic:  Preemptive string change against breakage
Lynn Kasdorf

Waterford Virginia, USA
Post  Posted 13 Nov 2002 9:47 am    
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When you folks have an important gig coming up- one in which a broken string would REALLY be a pain- like say you were going to be on TV or something..do you install a new G#, a G# and a B, a whole new set, or just leave it if the strings are relativley new?

My concern about just putting on a new G# is that sometimes a G# will last a long time, and sometimes a new one will pop pretty soon. Sometimes you just get a bad one.

Actually, I don't have a chronic problem with breakage on my Emmons Lashley LeGrande, but I have an important gig coming up (a concert setting where people are sitting and watching you and not talking- sheesh!) and I just wonder what the common wisdom is on this.

"You call that thing a guitar?"
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Rex Thomas

Thompson's Station, TN
Post  Posted 13 Nov 2002 10:04 am    
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GREAT question, having been exactly where you're headed quite a few times. Here's my take:
Change 'em! If they're relatively new, sure, a new 3 & 5, & wrap that 3 REAL good, getting past the string hole so that the winding ends up on solid shaft.
Even played hard & put up wet, I don't have breakage problems either. But I like knowing I did my best to stay covered.
Some don't change at all, others like a nice, pristine set before a big gig.
That's my 2 cents; change 'em!
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Glenn Suchan


Austin, Texas
Post  Posted 13 Nov 2002 10:37 am    
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I change my strings about every 2 weeks just to keep 'em sounding fresh. If a high profile gig comes up in between that time I'll generally change the .011 and .017 strings (if not the whole set) before that gig.

Keep on pickin'!
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Larry Bell

Englewood, Florida
Post  Posted 13 Nov 2002 10:44 am    
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Great advice from Rex and Glenn.

I used to be really lazy and would often have wound strings lasting 6 months or more (and SOUNDING LIKE IT). These days, I will rarely go to a recording session, critical gig or show any more with either new OR old strings.

New ones stretch too much and are a pain to keep tuned for most of the first gig, so I change them a couple of days before and then play them at least 3-4 hours. My experience tells me that it takes about that long for new strings to seat correctly -- at least enough not to require constant tuning. I like stainless strings, but I don't like them before they're broken in. You can feel the windings under the bar when they're brand new, but after a few hours of playing the ragged edges seem to wear down a bit. This is not as much a problem with nickel strings, but they don't last as long for me.

Old strings can have their own tuning problems, from metal fatigue and oxidation. The unwound ones usually start showing their age sooner than wound ones. And old ones are more prone to break.

What I actually do (or TRY to do), is play them until I notice them sounding bad. I'll change the unwound strings only at that point -- that usually works for a while. After that, I'll change the whole set.

As for how often to change them, I play mostly weekends -- 2-3 nights/wk and I will change all of them, then a month later change the unwounds, then a month later start all over -- UNLESS I notice them sounding bad and I'll change them a bit sooner. If I'm pressed for time, I may only change the 3rd, 4th, and 5th strings instead of all the unwound ones. This is for the guitar I gig with, and it is usually not used for mid-week practice, so the total time is about 40-50 hrs/month. Some players change more often.

YES, change strings preemptively. I haven't broken a string on stage in more than a year, and changing more often made the difference.

[This message was edited by Larry Bell on 13 November 2002 at 10:49 AM.]

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Dave Van Allen

Souderton, PA , US , Earth
Post  Posted 13 Nov 2002 11:54 am    
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I change pre-emptively 'cause i know if I don't I'll wish I had.
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Danny Naccarato

Burleson, Texas
Post  Posted 13 Nov 2002 12:17 pm    
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Speaking from recent experience. This past Sunday I did a live radio show, about 3 hours worth. Strings were fairly new, but I changed .011 anyway. 3/4 of the way thru, and 2 measures into the one and only steel instrumental (fast ver. of Remington Ride), my .036 blew out...go figure...

One time a few years ago, whilst doing a quasi audition with the Derailers during sound check (they were actually looking at my buddy, the bass player, but allowed me to setup as well), I blew out, in one song, the .011 AND 0.17 !!!! I believe someone was telling me something at that time

Change 'em !!!!
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Terry Edwards

Florida... livin' on spongecake...
Post  Posted 13 Nov 2002 12:29 pm    
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How about using a .012 instead of .011? And how much does that change the tone of the 3rd string?

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Buck Dilly


Branchville, NJ, USA * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 13 Nov 2002 12:29 pm    
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I usually break one or two new .011's/G# for every one that stays on. It seems those last me quite a while. I change strings at least one week before a rec. session of special gig.
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Larry Bell

Englewood, Florida
Post  Posted 13 Nov 2002 12:31 pm    
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That was on a U-12????
(if I remember correctly you play a 12, right?)

Pretty Unusual for me -- I've broken my 12th more often than the 9th. And I've certainly had those 2, 3, or even 4 string sets.

The stage gods don't always smile on us, do they?

Larry Bell - email: larry@larrybell.org - gigs - Home Page
2000 Fessenden S-12 8x8, 1969 Emmons S-12 6x6, 1971 Dobro

[This message was edited by Larry Bell on 13 November 2002 at 12:32 PM.]

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Michael Johnstone

Sylmar,Ca. USA
Post  Posted 13 Nov 2002 12:47 pm    
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When I'm playing more than 3 nights a week,I'll change the whole set every month or two.On all my old Buds,ZBs,MSAs etc,a 3rd string would last 3 five set club gigs and would break somewhere in the middle of the 4th gig so I would change it after 3 gigs.My keyless Sierra will hold onto a 3rd string about 5 or 6 gigs so I change it after 5 gigs.There's also somthing to be said for NOT changing a 3rd string before an important gig because it's had time to settle in and you won't be touching it up all night - which can be quite annoying to everyone concerned.The important thing is experimenting until you know your guitar and sticking w/the same strings so there's some predictability there.Sort of like letting a new car run out of gas at least once just so you know how to judge the fuel guage. -MJ-
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Bob Hoffnar

Austin, Tx
Post  Posted 13 Nov 2002 1:57 pm    
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I change all the strings.

I have found that it helps to change the strings the night before. I put a couple hours of playing on them to break them in. Also it seems like if they are going to pop off they do it in that first couple hours.

Other than that I try to be prepared to play whatever I need to on other strings if the need comes up.


[This message was edited by Bob Hoffnar on 13 November 2002 at 01:57 PM.]

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Marc Friedland

Fort Collins, CO
Post  Posted 14 Nov 2002 12:59 am    
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I try to gauge when to change strings depending on the upcoming gigs. I try to make sure to have at least an hour or so of breaking in time before show time. Certain strings break regularly, but others don't.
I'll change the 3rd string after 2-3 nights work. I'll change the 4th & 5th strings after 3- 4 nights of playing. Other strings I'll just change when I change the whole set, which is once every month or two, or if they break before that. -- Marc

[This message was edited by Marc Friedland on 14 November 2002 at 01:00 AM.]

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Steve Alonzo Walker

Spartanburg,S.C. USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 14 Nov 2002 2:00 am    
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Hello Terry, I use a 12Ga. cause it chimes better than an 11Ga. and I change it after two performances and I haven't broken one yet.I would rather do this and have peace of mind that it will not break during a concert cause there's nothing more embarassing than changing a string in front of all those people and when you do manage to get it on, it really doesn't get back in tune till the show is over.As for as the rest of the strings, I change the whole set every three to four weeks.
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Tony Prior

Charlotte NC
Post  Posted 14 Nov 2002 2:45 am    
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DON'T forget to polish the bridge !

I change the 011 before every gig unless I change all the strings. ALSO..polish the bridge and clean the roller before putting on any new strings. If there is grit on the bridge or the roller is slightly binding the new string may not last very long as well.

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Glenn Suchan


Austin, Texas
Post  Posted 14 Nov 2002 5:02 am    
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Yes! That's good advice from both Larry and Tony!

I forgot to mention in my prior post that I put the new strings on, play them and do any re-tuning of the strings and changer a day or more before the "big gig". That ensures everything is settled in. And I always buff the radius on the changer fingers with a "ScotchBrite" pad and clean all accumulated dust out of the changer finger area before putting on the new string. It adds a few minutes to the chore, but it eliminates the possibility of burrs breaking new strings and the build-up of grime in the changer.

At the "big gig" you can concentrate on the fun of playing instead of worrying if and when something will go wrong with the new strings.

Keep on pickin'!
Glenn www.kevinfowler.com

[This message was edited by Glenn Suchan on 14 November 2002 at 05:06 AM.]

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Wayne Cox


Chatham, Louisiana, USA * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 14 Nov 2002 1:08 pm    
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I change my .011/G#/3rd string approximately every 12-14 hours of playing time,regardless of any other variables. It's either that or play without it!
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Lynn Kasdorf

Waterford Virginia, USA
Post  Posted 18 Nov 2002 9:52 am    
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Thanks for the advice, all. I went ahead and changed strings 24hrs before the gig. Alas, the old 3rd string popped in the 2nd set. Really weird too, because I didn't notice that it happened- I finished one song, then pulled out a lap steel for another, played it, and when returning to the PSG, the g# was gone! It must have popped on the last pedal squeeze at the end of the tune.

Fortnately the fiddle player (Rickie Simpkins!)played a tune whilst I changed the string and settled it in. It all worked out fine.
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Emmett Roch


Texas Hill Country
Post  Posted 18 Nov 2002 10:10 am    
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After 3 gigs I change the 3rd string; after 5 gigs I change the 5th.

But there are STILL no guarantees...

GFI S-12 extended E9

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Dan Tyack


Olympia, WA USA
Post  Posted 18 Nov 2002 10:30 pm    
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Whenever I am in major gig mode, I just change the strings every week, and I never break a string. Sometimes I slack from this, but if I am doing a session in any week, the strings will be changed, because you can never tell when you will get in that intonation no man's land (when you are in a critical session and nothing will be 100% on because the string is too old).

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