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Author Topic:  AudioFire 8 repairs, where, who? (preferably north Florida)
Lane Gray

Topeka, KS
Post  Posted 24 Oct 2012 6:39 am    
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Friend of mine is running one in a show in Gainesville, and it appears the likely culprit in an intermittent outage.
Anybody got answers?
2 pedal steels, a lapStrat, and an 8-string Dobro (and 3 ukes)
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 24 Oct 2012 8:43 am    
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That is a Firewire interface unit. Most Firewire audio equipment uses either the DICE or DICE II Firewire I/O in the device. These units work best with a T.I. Firewire chipset interface in the PC. There is one other brand that will sometimes work but the biggest problem with interfacing Firewire audio equipment, from posts on many recording forums such as Sonar, gearslutz ProTools, etc is that a T.I. firewire chipset is needed in the PC.

I have a home recording studio (I'm using Sonar X2 DAW software) and used to have two different Firewire recording interface units - an Alesis IO26 and a Focusrite Saffire Pro 40. Both needed the T.I. chipset. The Alesis would somewhat connect to other chipsets but the Saffire Pro 40 would not connect at all. I have moved from Firewire units to a USB unit - a Roland Octa-Capture (which has lower latency than the Firewire devices).

If the unit is being used with a PC, finding what chipset is in the PC is the first thing to check.

(I'm about an hour south of Gainesville).
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Lane Gray

Topeka, KS
Post  Posted 24 Oct 2012 3:01 pm    
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Thanks, Jack. I'm under the impression the unit used to work and is now intermittently not.
I shall pass this along
2 pedal steels, a lapStrat, and an 8-string Dobro (and 3 ukes)
More amps than guitars, and not many effects
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Lane Gray

Topeka, KS
Post  Posted 24 Oct 2012 3:55 pm    
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FWIW, she's using SFX 6.2.9 to run all the sound cues for the play
2 pedal steels, a lapStrat, and an 8-string Dobro (and 3 ukes)
More amps than guitars, and not many effects
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 25 Oct 2012 2:59 am    
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First question, is this a new/different PC that the person is using? If it is, the T.I. chipset issue is the first thing to consider.
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Lane Gray

Topeka, KS
Post  Posted 25 Oct 2012 3:56 am    
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I do not believe that they changed any gear, ink. that the sound cues stopped getting to the board ( to isolate cables as an issue, as well as a bad channel in the board, they began running two outputs to the board, and both fail together).
SFX Reports the cues as playing, but no signal reaches the board.

l I shall ask her if there have been any hardware changes.
2 pedal steels, a lapStrat, and an 8-string Dobro (and 3 ukes)
More amps than guitars, and not many effects
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 25 Oct 2012 4:23 am    
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Its hard to remotely try to troubleshoot something like this. There is both hardware and software involved and anything can be the cause. They really need to look locally for someone that can go on site and help.

I don't know what's available in Gainesville. Its a college town so there are lots of computer techies around but whether there is someone with specific knowledge is doubtful. Probably Orlando, with all the theme parks and shows, would be the closest place with potentially someone with specific knowledge.
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