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Author Topic:  Ember Schrag "The Real Penelope" (Emmons p/p)
Susan Alcorn (deceased)

Baltimore, MD, USA
Post  Posted 24 Oct 2012 12:08 pm    
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This is Ember Schrag and I performing at Baltimore's Windup Space last month - her song "The Real Penelope". I hope you enjoy it.


"So this is how you swim inward. So this is how you flow outwards. So this is how you pray."
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Joachim Kettner

Post  Posted 28 Oct 2012 7:06 am    
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Great stuff! Was Donovan an influence on her?
I could never play that fast, as you did in certain spots of the tune, Susan.
Fender Kingman, Sierra Crown D-10, Evans Amplifier, Soup Cube.
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Susan Alcorn (deceased)

Baltimore, MD, USA
Post  Posted 28 Oct 2012 8:36 am    
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Joaquin, I'm glad you enjoyed that song. As to whether Ember was influenced by Donovan, it's possible, but I've never heard her mention him.

Ember has an interesting musical history. She was raised by step-parents who were members of a Christian fundamentalist cult in rural Nebraska who never allowed her to listen to music - the influence of the devil, etc. She went to religious schools, and after high school graduation, she enrolled in Bible college

At about that time she started going to a coffee house and eventually started making friends with people there, some of whom played (gasp) music. Against the wishes of her parents, she transferred to the University of Nebraska, changed her major to English, immersed herself in literature, art, music (she studied piano and learned to play the guitar), and philosophy.

She got pregnant, had a baby (who she named Lilian, after Lilian Hellman), and when she left the father and married a (gasp) atheist, her parents disowned her, and a bitter custody dispute (with her mom) followed.

So all of this enters into her music - old testament imagery, midwestern landscape, Shakespeare, some Joseph Campbell, and a bit of punk. She's very young (mid-20s), so she has that kind of energy to her. I toured with her band last spring, and it was kind of funny that her band was made up entirely of experimental musicians - interesting mix. I enjoy playing her music.

If you'd like I can post some other songs from that set.

"So this is how you swim inward. So this is how you flow outwards. So this is how you pray."
- Mary Oliver
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Joachim Kettner

Post  Posted 28 Oct 2012 11:19 am    
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Yes Susan, if you want to.
Fender Kingman, Sierra Crown D-10, Evans Amplifier, Soup Cube.
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