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Ray Thomas


Goldsboro North Carolina
Post  Posted 22 Oct 2012 9:19 am    
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Would like some comments, advantage, dis-advantage of "open backs" "closed backs"
"ported backs ect". Any thoughts appreciated
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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 22 Oct 2012 5:14 pm    
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Open backs tend to sound more open and "airy". They also de-emphasize lows and are rather inefficient, but have good dispersion. Ported cabinets (properly ported, not with just a slot in the back) tend to increase efficiency and lows, but also tend to "focus" the sound far more. They also tend to have fewer highs, and relatively poor dispersion.

All modern amp cabinets are a serious compromise between size/weight, and sound. "Bigger and heavier" is almost always better, but everyone wants "small and light". (The Fender 2-12 Bassman cab was about the ideal size/design for two 12" speakers.)

The bottom line is that if you demand full-fat sounds and thick heavy bass, you generally can't get it with an open-back cabinet.
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John McClung

Olympia WA, USA
Post  Posted 22 Oct 2012 11:41 pm    
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I've had several Peavey amps, and Webbs, all open back, no lack of fat sounds or bass in my experience.

I currently use custom Gerry Walker cabs that have removable backs, so I can go open or closed, and I still prefer them open back, they do indeed sound more "airy". He can build the same cab for you, and I believe Telonics makes their cabs either open or closed, but not convertible like the Walkers.

FWIW, Gerry prefers closed back cabs. It's just a matter of taste, I guess.
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 23 Oct 2012 2:49 am    
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I've heard and used both. I think its mostly personal preference (my preference is open/partially open back).
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Fred Rogan


Birmingham, AL USA
Post  Posted 23 Oct 2012 10:26 am    
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I used to have a Twin 15" which of course is open back and it had all the bass I could stand. I am now using an Avatar cab (they make great empty and loaded cabs)that I put 2 EV12Ls in. It is closed back but has a baffle that can be removed making it a true open back. I have it closed now and power it with one of those Fender Jazzmaster amps and it has, I think, a good balance. While open/closed back is a factor, I think the kind of speakers, the EQ/amp and pups are maybe more important in that equation.
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Dave Grafe

Hudson River Valley NY
Post  Posted 25 Oct 2012 12:16 pm    
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Regardless of your personal preferences, guys, Donny has just laid out the vital information on the subject very tidily, and you might have said "thank you" instead of "I don't think so." He did not say that you could not get bass response from an open back cab but he DID correctly state - in generous and compact detail - the scientific facts that one might hope the OP was asking for.

I happen to have two identical JBL K120's, one is in a Blues Deluxe RI with an open back and the other in a matching cabinet with a closed back. There is no denying the difference in response and projection: The combo alone sounds thin and the closed cab alone lacks sparkle; the best - most excellent in fact - results have come from stacking the pair and mic'ing them both, works far better than either alone.
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John McClung

Olympia WA, USA
Post  Posted 25 Oct 2012 1:55 pm    
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Dave, your idea of using open and closed backs together is great, I'll try that on my next gig with my pair of Gerry Walker cabs. In fact, right now I have a JBL K130 in one, and Weber neo in the other, think I'll leave the JBL open and close off the Weber, bet that'll sound great.
▪️ If you want to have an ongoing discussion, please email me, don't use the Forum messaging which I detest! steelguitarlessons@earthlink.net
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