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Author Topic:  Buddy E..question about "Once Upon a Time.."
bob grossman


Visalia CA USA
Post  Posted 6 Oct 2002 7:28 am    
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We go to a resort in the gold country every year. Frank Carter and wife have managed the place for a long time. After about ten years of going there, I found out that Frank is a steel player and a very good one at that. He played the theme from "How the West Was Won" and sounded as much like you as anyone I've heard. What a beautiful piece of music. Sorry to say, I don't have the album, and would like to know which it is.

Has it ever been tabbed out by you? Would you consider it? I heard that it was one you were particularly proud of.

If you want to answer by email, OK..and thanks for the inspiration of that song.
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Buddy Emmons


Hermitage, TN USA * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 6 Oct 2002 9:58 am    
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After hearing the movie theme from Once Upon a Time in the West, I found the album on a 33 1/3 a year or so before I recorded it live in St. Louis. It's truly one of the most beautiful pieces of music to my ear and I've been asked to re-record it in the studio with strings, but I don't think I could ever capture the feeling of the live cut, so I've left it alone. I still see the movie from time to time but I don't know whether it's available on CD. If so, it's certainly worth picking up. The album title is the same as the song.

I thought about tabbing it at one time along with the entire album but the steel bleeding into the other mikes rendered the rhythm tracks unsuitable for a course. Due to the nature of that particular track, it might have been possible to tab it if the keyboard recorded direct that night, but I no longer have the eight track Teac machine used to record it so I couldn't offer anything more than the tab itself.

The answer to the question of my considering tabbing the song would depend on how many out there were interested in it. I've had a few requests for it over the years, but being an instrumental that is heavily dependent upon the keyboard, it's doubtful if that many players would be interested in the tab. Thanks for the comments and I still get inspired when I hear the melody.
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Bruce W Heffner


Payson, Arizona
Post  Posted 6 Oct 2002 1:16 pm    
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Buddy, this is one of my favorite pieces and I would love to see you tab it. I listened to the movie the other week and heard the voices doing the part that you did with the E Bow. It was a clever idea. I still have one of those E Bows just in case you tab it out for guys like me. See you at ET's



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bob grossman


Visalia CA USA
Post  Posted 7 Oct 2002 7:42 am    
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Which of YOUR albums has this song? Can I get it from you, or where?

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Bob Farlow


Post  Posted 7 Oct 2002 8:40 am    
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I have a Teac 8-track, 10" reels, ½" tape,7½ and 15 ips.
Be glad to help.
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Buddy Emmons


Hermitage, TN USA * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 7 Oct 2002 9:01 am    
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The song is on the St. Louis Live album recorded in 1977. The CD is a compilation of two albums originally released on vinyl and includes songs ranging from Mansion On The Hill to The Great Stream and Mardi Gras, two Pat Martino tunes. You can get it through Ernie or:

Buddy Emmons Music
PO Box 415
Hermitage, TN 37076

The price is $12.00 plus $1.50, shipping and handling.
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Bob Snelgrove

san jose, ca
Post  Posted 7 Oct 2002 11:40 am    
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Does the CD have all the songs that were on the vinyl(s)?


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Buddy Emmons


Hermitage, TN USA * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 7 Oct 2002 12:04 pm    
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Carl West


La Habra, CA, USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 8 Oct 2002 4:12 pm    
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Buddy,just finished viewing the tape with you and Hal Rugg. Was great to see you after all the years since the Foothill Club and George's Round-Up. Really enjoyed the tape. Never even went for a snack till it was done . . Nice Job as always

Carl West
Emmons D-10
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