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Author Topic:  Peavey NV112 amp sim on iPhone
James Mayer

back in Portland Oregon, USA (via Arkansas and London, UK)
Post  Posted 24 Aug 2012 9:57 am    
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I just thought I'd share this little discovery. I bought an adapter for my iPhone that allows stereo recording (mic + guitar). It's the Sonoma Guitar Jack 2.

Sonoma also has an amp/fx modeling app that is Free and has certain amps that are unlocked with the adaptor is used. I found a Peavey Nashville 112 in there.

In short, the app sucks when compared to Ampkit or JamUp. It's glitchy and activating the tuner sends it over the edge. The Peavey model is overdriven. I can't get it to play clean at all. I must have some setting wrong somewhere.

HERE's the amplist.
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