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Ray Montee

Portland, Oregon (deceased)
Post  Posted 31 Jul 2012 1:06 pm    
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After three Jeff Newman seminars on speed picking, I've discovered that I can't today play as fast as I did at age 17......WOW!

I've only recently discovered what I believe JERRY BYRD did a lot of in his single string picking.

Did JERRY use his thumb..only?

Does anyone know this for a fact?

In none of his videos do I see him doing the index and middle finger X-over that Jeff recommended.
Your comments will be appreciated.
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Dave Mayes


Oakland, Ca.
Post  Posted 1 Aug 2012 7:38 am    
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In his instructional video, Jerry advocates using the thumb for single string playing...as well as right palm blocking before each note plucked. He then proceeds with a brief demonstration.

He doesn't appear to hold very strictly to this in the videos I have and the videos I've seen on the internet. In general, he seemed to use whatever digit was handiest(no pun intended).

I'm not familar with the Jeff Newman technique, so I can't comment on that.
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Billy Cardine


North Carolina, USA
Post  Posted 1 Aug 2012 10:00 am    
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I'm not so sure about Byrd, but i know about the other Jerry...Jerry Douglas...JD uses just the thumb for alot of his single string lines because of the strong tone it pulls out of the dobro, but for quicker runs, he'll use T/I. He especially uses T/I for what appears to be hammer and pulls but really he picks more of the notes than hammers and pulls 'em.

Probably the most notorious T/I slide guy on a single string I know of is my teacher from Calcutta, Debashish Bhattacharya. I borrow some of his ideas on this tune...lots of single string stuff...


I know it's a bit of a jump from Byrd, but it's just what i was thinkin about. I might need to do some Byrd YouTubes over lunch...
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Fred Glave

McHenry, Illinois, USA
Post  Posted 2 Aug 2012 8:47 am    
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It's good to hear that someone with the skill and talent of Jerry Byrd used his thumb predominantly. Why? Because now I don't feel so bad about doing it myself too. I use my index and middle for single notes too, but not as much as I believe I should. Of course I'm a pretty lousy player (especially compared to a pro) so it probably doesn't matter anyway. Laughing
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Daniel Policarpo

Post  Posted 3 Aug 2012 7:56 am    
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Coming from the telecaster world, I am trying to use T/I exercises to get 10 string steel picking down,going up and down the string,skippin strings, etc, but there is something that feels like you are flying off the handle a bit when just thumbing it. It's a different feel and perspective, and its fun. The attack creates a different mindset, or is it the mindset that prompts us to use the "thumb attack"?
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Robert Daniels

Chicago, Illinois, USA
Post  Posted 3 Aug 2012 9:36 am    
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Pardon the newbie questions, but - when using all thumb picking, I assume you are alternating up/down, right? I ask because that feels very awkward with a thumb pick to me. The upstrokes feel like they are going to tear the thumb pick off my thumb.
Emmons Student Model 3x4,Twin Reverb with JBL's, clams galore!
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Mike Neer

Post  Posted 3 Aug 2012 10:11 am    
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All down strokes, Robert, except maybe for some special effects, like tremolo. Maybe there are some players who use alternate strokes, but in my case I use down strokes and palm blocking.
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