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Author Topic:  Any Fender 800 E9th players
Ben Elder


La Crescenta, California, USA
Post  Posted 24 May 2012 10:15 pm    
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I've taken a slight leap and will be moving from a five-pedal Fender 800 to one with six plus an added knee lever. I'll be picking it up in Oklahoma next month.

The old one (a slightly notorious candy-apple red one seen on the Forum at various times over the years and now residing in N. California) came with three pedals. I added two others to have the pedals go (EtoF)-A-B-C-(EtoEb) left to right.

The store-owner friend of mine who sold me the 6+1 reports that it is E9th, but he isn't a player and hasn't checked the pedal changes. (The KL lowers 8 & 4, although he didn't specifically say if that is G#-F# or G#-G.)

I'll see what I've got when I get there, but in the meantime, any Fender 800 E9th users out there and what is your setup?
"Gopher, Everett?"
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Erik Alderink

Ann Arbor Michigan, USA
Post  Posted 25 May 2012 3:46 am    
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I play a 2000 that was setup as an 8 x 4, with "Emmons" E9 on the far neck.
But it really wasn't me thing so I went back to my wierdo tuning.
As you know, you can swap these things around so fast that you can try just about anything on them in under 15 minutes.
I had no string breakage issues, even with really high tunings.
I just prefer it tuned a bit lower.
Oh, and I have a single pedal for the near (c6) neck that pulls 6 strings to make it e13. I have no issues pulling that many strings with one pedal. These guitars are so versatile that I honestly have ZERO interest in any other make.
My $.02
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Jamie Frost


Spokane, WA
Post  Posted 25 May 2012 5:41 am    
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I picked up an 800 a few years back, it was set up 4x4. Day style with the E's on the right leg. LKL raising 1 and 7 to G. LKR lowering string 2 and 9 a half. Pedal 4 was lowering 5 and 10 to Bb but I've been using it to experiment with raising 1 and 2 (Tommy White) or lowering 5 and 6 (Franklin).
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Ben Elder


La Crescenta, California, USA
Post  Posted 25 May 2012 9:46 am    
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Let me focus my question a bit: what are setups for 6 pedals, E9th, no knee levers?
"Gopher, Everett?"
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Fred Glave

McHenry, Illinois, USA
Post  Posted 25 May 2012 11:34 am    
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The beautiful thing about the Fender steel is that you are not buying a steel with a copedent per se.. You determine the tuning and what strings are pulled by whatever pedal (or lever) you want whenever or whereever you want.
Zum Encore, Zum Stage One, Fender 2000, Harlan Bros., Multi-Kord,
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Erik Alderink

Ann Arbor Michigan, USA
Post  Posted 25 May 2012 11:38 am    
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Here's a link to the manual.

There were some typical setups included.
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Bob Carlucci


Candor, New York, USA
Post  Posted 25 May 2012 2:56 pm    
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My fender 800 is 6 and 4..

Pedal 123-standard emmons
Pedal 4- Lowers string 6 a full tone
pedal 5-lowers string 5 a full tone
pedal 6.. Raises string 1 a full, and string 2 a half

RkR- lowers strings 4 and 8 1/2 tone
RkL- raises strings 4 and 8 1/2
LkR- Lowers string 2 1/2 tone and a full toe in 2 steps
LkR- Raises string 1 1/2 tone, and lowers string 5 1/2 tone...

My 800 is a magnificent steel.. plays beautifully. As good as any pedal steel from the era it was built.

It does everything I need it to do.. It is not limited in any way as far as I am concerned, unless you REALLY need 3 up/ 3 down capability, or more than 10 changes on an e9 10 string steel... bob
I'm over the hill and hittin'rocks on the way down!

no gear list for me.. you don't have the time......

Last edited by Bob Carlucci on 26 May 2012 2:37 am; edited 1 time in total
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Ben Elder


La Crescenta, California, USA
Post  Posted 25 May 2012 4:31 pm    
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Thanks for the 800 manual. I missed out on an original on E9thBay a month or so back. I edited out a paragraph in the first post about whether it, like the 400/1000 manual downloadable at the Carter website, would also reference the older 6th tunings. In that expectation, I wasn't disappointed.

Still, I'm interested in seeing what other players do in E9th with these beasts when they have just the six pedals to work with.
"Gopher, Everett?"
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Dave Zirbel

Sebastopol, CA USA
Post  Posted 25 May 2012 5:37 pm    
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But it really wasn't me thing so I went back to my wierdo tuning.

What is your tuning?

I liked the Sneaky Pete B6 tuning for my 400 and may try a 10 string version. Also I'm looking at Red Rhodes E6 or E13 tuning, or a modified version.

I have a 2000 and now Ben's old 800 and plan on trying out a few things.
Dave Zirbel-
Sierra S-10 (Built by Ross Shafer),ZB, Fender 400 guitars, various tube and SS amps
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Joshua Grange

Los Angeles, California
Post  Posted 25 May 2012 9:45 pm    
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I like putting the E to F on the '0' pedal. That way you can use it with the A pedal with one foot.
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Bob Carlucci


Candor, New York, USA
Post  Posted 26 May 2012 2:40 am    
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Ben Elder wrote:
Thanks for the 800 manual. I missed out on an original on E9thBay a month or so back. I edited out a paragraph in the first post about whether it, like the 400/1000 manual downloadable at the Carter website, would also reference the older 6th tunings. In that expectation, I wasn't disappointed.

Still, I'm interested in seeing what other players do in E9th with these beasts when they have just the six pedals to work with.

I would put standard E9 changes on the extra 3 pedals,,, Both E's to F-both E's to Eb, and drop string 2 down a half and a full tone in two steps.. If you are fumble fingered, all 3 changes can be done in 10 minutes.. If you are mechanically inclined it takes 5...
btw, why not consider some knee levers??...bob
I'm over the hill and hittin'rocks on the way down!

no gear list for me.. you don't have the time......
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