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Author Topic:  Superb but little known Lindley score
Andy Volk

Boston, MA
Post  Posted 8 May 2012 9:55 am    
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Rabbit Ears Productions paired outstanding musicians with great voice actors, illustrators and animators to produce an outstanding series of classic stories back in the 90s. The company was sold and much of their CDs and Video catalog went out of print for about 10+ years.

David Lindley's exquisite score for Laura Dern's reading of Song of Sacajawea is now back in print on CD and/or available from some sites as a digital file. No steel guitar but well worth hearing. Mr. Dave is a much deeper musician than listening only to his blazing rock steel solos might indicate. The score blends folk, classical and native American music seamlessly. My cassette copy has the mixed story/music on side one and all the music only on side two. All of the Rabbit Ears titles are well worth seeking out to expose kids (and adults) to some of the finest music/storytelling media productions ever done.


All the titles (most are DVDs now): http://www.rabbitears.com/categories/9851-combo
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