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Brad Burch


Post  Posted 30 May 2002 5:01 am    
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I was looking for some ideas about what to do with the fourth pedal on my ShoBud LDG. I currently have 4 pedals and 5 knees. Standard setup with LKV lowering 5 and 8 and LKR raising 1 to F# and lowering 6 to G. The fourth pedal is actually pedal 1 on the guitar. I have had it raising strings 1 and 2 now for about a year and really just don't ever use it except for a couple of "sugary" sounding licks. Any ideas??
Jerry Hayes

Virginia Beach, Va.
Post  Posted 30 May 2002 5:06 am    
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I got a couple of suggestions. What I do is the same as Tom Brumley's set up which is to raise string 7 (F# to G#) and raise string 10 (B to C#). I use this pedal a lot and if you'll listen to a lot of Tom's stuff you'll hear it in his playing. Another thing I've seen players do is to lower both G#'s to G with pedal one. You get a nice full minor chord plus you can use it with the A pedal to get a good diminished chord position. I used to have this but I like the Brumley thing better. It's also a change that Bobbe Seymore has on his "Z" knee lever on another post.......

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Bengt Erlandsen


Brekstad, NORWAY
Post  Posted 30 May 2002 8:56 am    
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If the pedal is next to the A pedal I would try 6string G# to A#.

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Terry Wendt

Nashville, TN, USA
Post  Posted 30 May 2002 7:00 pm    
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If the pedal is outside,
next to the A pedal
I would lower 6 G# to F#...
.....and take 7 with it from F# to F...
.....and take 9 up to D#.

[my opinion]



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[This message was edited by Terry Wendt on 30 May 2002 at 08:15 PM.]

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Bobby Lee

Cloverdale, California, USA
Post  Posted 30 May 2002 9:27 pm    
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For "Pedal Zero", I like:

lower 3rd G# to G
raise 5th B to C
raise 6th G# to A

I raise 7th F# to G on a lever. Combined with that pedal, I have an open C6th suitable for the head of any swing tune that uses C6th open strings (Steelin' the Blues, Remington Ride, etc.).

I know it's obscure, but I like it.

Some people I know lower both G#'s to G on their 0th pedal.

Bobby Lee - email: quasar@b0b.com - gigs - CDs
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Terry Wendt

Nashville, TN, USA
Post  Posted 31 May 2002 9:17 am    
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I like that change! It is a similar one I have worked out on a 13 string single neck copedant. Now to get Fessy (and friends) to help me build it!



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Larry Behm

Mt Angel, Or 97362
Post  Posted 31 May 2002 11:18 am    
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Lower your 2nd string a whole tone Use with pedal 1 for that counter point lick from the 60's starting back two frets with both down etc.

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Doug Seymour

Jamestown NY USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 31 May 2002 3:27 pm    
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What Larry said!!! Good one! Just a lick, though!
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Brad Burch


Post  Posted 3 Jun 2002 10:15 am    
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I contacted Bengt and asked about his suggestion of raising 6 G# -> A#. I couldn't really figure out a reason for it. Here is his replay (I hope he doesn't mind me posting it):

Hi Brad.
I'll try to explain the G#-A# whole step raise.
It is a change that I use in combination with other pedals/levers.
From open position you get an Achord when you press A&B pedal (strings 10 8 6 5 4 3)
or a F#minor7 on strings 7 6 5 4.
If the G#-A# pedal is to the left of the A pedal and you press both pedals you will
change th F# minor to a F#dom9 on strings 7 6 5 4 3.
Raising the 4 string E to F makes it a F#maj9 on the same strings.
Lowering the 4 string to Eb makes it a F#6 on strings 7 6 5 4
If you can split tune the G#-G lower on string 6 with the whole tone raise you can change between minor/dom7th on strings
7 6 5 4.
Playing two frets below open position makes lots of interesting licks using the
Apedal and the G#-A# in turns. Also in that position you have a b7th note string4, 6th
note string2, 9th note string 3 and root note string 7 & 1.
There is so many fun things to do with it that it is well worth a try.
The G#-A# will do the same in the A+F pos (3fret up Aped + E to F) as the A pedal itself would do in the open position.
Hope this helps.
Keep on steelin'

I put this change on the pedal "0" yesterday and must say that I love it. I especially like the really low "bendable" notes you can get two frets back from open position with 9th string raise. There are a lot of really cool things to do with this change and they make sense, not just licks.

Now I need to figure out what to do with the other pull on this pedal. Any suggestions on that one? Right now it is raising 1, which is redundant as I alreay got that on RKL.

Earnest Bovine

Los Angeles CA USA
Post  Posted 3 Jun 2002 10:50 am    
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I put this change on the pedal "0" yesterday and must say that I love it.
I like middle G# -> A# too and it is my pedal 0 on all my E9 necks. It is also a knee lever on my C6 as middle A -> B.
Now I need to figure out what to do with the other pull on this pedal. Any suggestions on that one?
I suggest no other pulls on that pedal.
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