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Author Topic:  Venice CA:Nashville collides with Jamaica, Saturday March 17
Mike Perlowin

Los Angeles CA
Post  Posted 10 Mar 2012 1:14 am    
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One of L.A.'s finest reggae bands, Mark Tyson and the Blue Nile express, will be performing at the Talking Stick coffee house, 1411 Lincoln Blvd., Venice CA on St Patty's day, March 17, and I'll be sitting in for a few tunes.

Unlike most reggae bands, these guys have explored music from other parts of the world and integrated it into their repertoire. This includes music from Africa, South America, and the middle east, as well as American country and blues. They are very exotic, very eclectic and very very good.

The last time I sat in with them, Mark and the band was the opening act for another band, and the second group, after hearing me play, invited me to sit in with them too. This time Mark and the guys are headlining and I don't know whether or not the opening acts will allow me to sit in, but I'll be set up and ready to go if they want me.

The show starts at 7 PM. Mark and the guys go on at 9:45.

I hope some of you guys can come by.
Please visit my web site and Soundcloud page and listen to the music posted there.
http://www.mikeperlowin.com http://soundcloud.com/mike-perlowin
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