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Author Topic:  Economy Effect Unit for Steel.....
Jerry Hayes

Virginia Beach, Va.
Post  Posted 19 Apr 2002 11:13 am    
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A fellow steeler (Larry Sutphin) bought a Digitech RP-100 about 8 or 9 months ago to replace his old effects board which was a Roland or something like that and cost him about $500.00 around 12 years ago. The new unit costs only $99.00 through Musician's Friend or your local music store if they give deals. I listened to Larry's for quite a while and really started digging what he had coming out of his guitar. I went down to Guitar Center a week ago and bought one for myself. This thing is great! It's got Compressor, Delay, Reverb, Flange, Phase, Wah, Envelope Follower, Tremolo, rotating speaker sound, all kinds of distortion, tuner, a drum machine, chorus, detuner, octave, and everything works great. It's also the easiest to program of any unit I've seen. It has 40 user programs and 40 presets. If you like any of the presets you can move them to any spot by just touching two buttons. It's small and can just set on the floor to the right of your volume pedal and can be operated easily and quickly with your right foot. There's also a large red LED display so you can see it in a dark place. I'm really elated about this thing. It's even got some acoustic sounds in it and I've programmed a very usable Dobro sound on it. In closing, at a price like this I don't see how anything else can compete. I've even got one patch that sounds like an old Fender 1000 for the Mooney stuff.

Livin' in the Past and the Future with a 12 string Mooney tuning.

[This message was edited by Jerry Hayes on 19 April 2002 at 12:15 PM.]

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Los Angeles
Post  Posted 19 Apr 2002 11:40 am    
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I've been thinking of getting something like this for home recording, but more for guitar applications (at least for now).

Could you post your dobro settings?

I tried out a Digitech Genesis 3 a while back. It has all of the effects and amp modeling BUT it lets you set up two different amps and "warp" or mix between them. Did you ever want to know what a clean Boogie with a 1x12 cabinet would sound like next to a dirty Twin going through two 4x12s? Me neither, but now you can find out. Of course, it's a little more expensive.

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Mark Zinns


Oakland CA
Post  Posted 19 Apr 2002 12:41 pm    
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I've been using a Digitech RP-3 for a couple of years on standard guitar, and I've just recently started using live with my steel. I've tried a lot of differnt FX boxes, and none have out-performed the Digitech live. It's not bad for recording, but for performing it's great.
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Cloverdale, CA, USA
Post  Posted 19 Apr 2002 4:42 pm    
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Moved to 'electronics' section
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