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Author Topic:  "Highjacked! Sorry about that. Bishop Ronnie P. Hall
Bishop Ronnie P Hall

Detroit, Michigan, USA
Post  Posted 19 Dec 2011 8:53 am    
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To my fellow constituancy!
As of Sunday evening 12-18-2011, I had been informed that my e-mail account on hotmail, has been closed because some enterprising "spammer" has hijacked my address book account with them. Because of this, some kind of sales pitch has gone out over the net to those listed on it. To what degree, and to what it says, I have no knowledge of it. However, I have learned, that more than any other recipients, many of my friends on this forum have received requests for some kind financial gain from this hijacker. I assure you, this is not from me. Therefore, I urge any of you who received this "spam" or what ever it is called, to not respond in anyway what so ever. If you have received such a request, you have my apologies. Thank you for your time and your inconvenience..
Bishop Ronnie P. Hall
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Alan Brookes

Brummy living in Southern California
Post  Posted 23 Dec 2011 11:24 am    
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No need to apologize. You're the victim, not the perpetrator.

In fact we're all victims of spammers and virus circulators.

I cannot understand how anyone could launch a virus into the internet, not knowing what damage and heartaches it will do to innocent people. This is the ultimate evil. These people have no conscience. They are at war with society.

Unfortunately, once viruses are launched they will remain on the internet as long as the internet is operating, and the internet will eventually accumulate so many of them that it will be unusable.

I don't see a solution. Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Sad
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