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Author Topic:  New Amp: Ibanez WT 80 Amp-Clean headroom, 15 inch speaker
Dave Sky


Columbus, Ohio, USA
Post  Posted 17 Dec 2011 9:43 am    
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Just bought the Ibanez WT 80 amp. It is 80 watts and a 15 inch speaker. Stays clean with the gain all the way up! It is voiced for jazz and sounds great with my hollowbodies. My Sx cheapo lap steel has never sounded so good. This amp is clean, not designed to distort at high gain. I just use the reverb. This is the amp I have been waiting for. It has a volume control for the aux input and a headphone out. Not sure if it is loud enough for a big gig, but great for the little venues where I play. The 15 inch speaker is warm sounding. It is sounding even better just after a few hours of playing time. Lots of sales going on so I got it for under $300 mail order with free shipping.


I always wanted a Jazz King and could never find one. This may be the next best thing.
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