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Post new topic George Strait - Twang solo. Anyone have it?
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Author Topic:  George Strait - Twang solo. Anyone have it?
Kevin Milner

Los Angeles, California, USA
Post  Posted 2 Dec 2011 10:22 am    
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Hey guys - I need to learn at least an approximation of the solo on George Strait's "Twang." Does anyone have a tab for it, or even how it starts? I just can't seem to figure out a good combination of pedals and moves to do it that fast.

Thanks so much!
GFI S10-P Ultra -> Milkman 40w Pedal Steel Mini or 300w Half & Half (or Sarno SGBB/Nashville 112 or '94 Twin Amp or Homebuilt 5e3)
Effects: Cali76-CD Compressor -> EP booster -> Sarno Earth Drive -> Earthquaker Devices Zap Machine -> Earthquaker Devices Grand Orbiter Phaser -> Caitlinbread Dirty Little Secret Mk III -> Malekko Envelope Filter -> Hilton VP -> Pedal Projects Klone -> Tech 21 Blonde -> Strymon Timeline -> TC Electronics Spark Mini Boost -> Strymon Lex -> Strymon Flint
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Clete Ritta

San Antonio, Texas
Post  Posted 3 Dec 2011 12:34 am    
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Heres a simple take on it. Notice the slide from 8 to 9 and back. You can do this with the B pedal if your foot is quick, but I find it easier to use a bar move there.

The beginning of line two is a steel lick that takes a bit of practice hitting the A pedal after, not as you slide down to fret 3. You can also add string 5 to the BC climb on 3 and 4. Hope this helps.

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Kevin Milner

Los Angeles, California, USA
Post  Posted 3 Dec 2011 8:56 pm    
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Wow Clete, thanks so much. I've got work to do!
GFI S10-P Ultra -> Milkman 40w Pedal Steel Mini or 300w Half & Half (or Sarno SGBB/Nashville 112 or '94 Twin Amp or Homebuilt 5e3)
Effects: Cali76-CD Compressor -> EP booster -> Sarno Earth Drive -> Earthquaker Devices Zap Machine -> Earthquaker Devices Grand Orbiter Phaser -> Caitlinbread Dirty Little Secret Mk III -> Malekko Envelope Filter -> Hilton VP -> Pedal Projects Klone -> Tech 21 Blonde -> Strymon Timeline -> TC Electronics Spark Mini Boost -> Strymon Lex -> Strymon Flint
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